In October 2008, marine archaeologists discovered a ceramic bowl in the waters off the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria bearing a remarkable inscription: DIA CHRSTOU O GOISTAIS. Literally translated from Greek it reads, “by Christ the magician.”
Dating somewhere between the late second century B.C.E. and the first century C.E., a span that includes the lifetime of Jesus, it is, “the world’s first known reference to Christ.”
Christ isn’t one man, Christ is a title. A degree of mastery. Someone who possesses the Christ energy of the Sephiroth or Tiphareth.
Tiphareth=tipHARETh ♥️🌎

Heart & Earth
When you understand what Christ energy is you begin to understand what it means when they say Christ will return. Suddenly it actually seems plausible. Christ IS returning, we are waking up.
Why is the solar center of Tiphareth associated with the heart center?

Why is Jesus often depicted with the flaming heart?
Well what is it that keeps your body warm? At a constant comfortable 98.6°F?

Most would say the blood, but what warms the blood? There has to be a constant heat source otherwise it would dissipate over time.
The heart is so much more than just a pump and likewise, the mind is so much more than the brain.
Also wanna point out
23 chromosomes as well
Just as the Sun distributes energy and heat to the rest of the Solar System, so does the Heart to the rest of the body.
Christianity and religion have done a really great job at getting people to focus on the man instead of the message.
Focusing on the History instead of the Mystery. HIS story, and not your own story.
So people call upon him to save them from everything instead of learning how to save themselves.
“Oh just believe in Jesus and you’ll be saved!” Yeah, but that doesn’t mean believe he was a God, that means believe in the message he was trying to teach you.
& what was the overarching message?

Even when they were killing him, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.”
Why is forgiveness so important?

It’s not about the people you’re forgiving.

It’s for you. So that you’re not carrying negative energy around having it ruin your life.

Scarcity is caused by emotional blockages.
What causes emotional blockages?

Trauma. Harboring fear or hate.
Forgiveness is hard, if you don’t have the right perspective on it.

People have this idea that forgiveness makes you weak.

Really, then why is it so hard to do?
You don’t have to let people walk all over you, it’s not like you can’t defend yourself, doesn’t mean you have to be buddy buddy with the person who did you wrong. It’s actually probably best if you avoided them, so that they’re not a constant reminder and you can let it go.
Perhaps someone really did you wrong and you’re afraid to trust people again. But let me just remind you:
Notice it all leads to suffering.

You cannot be in abundance while simultaneously carrying around emotional baggage.
Typically the younger you are the deeper the trauma.

People in there 40’s and 50’s still get very worked up as if they’re reliving it if they think about how they were bullied and abused in their childhood.
It’s not easy to forgive, especially when you need to forgive yourself.

Which is far more important than forgiving others.

Traumatized people often think:
“Why is this happening to ME?”
“There must be something wrong with me”

Feeling unworthy is an emotional bolder.
It’s not always at a conscious level, this can get into the subconscious.
Then you see later in life the abused become the abuser, by way of subconscious programming.

& so the real key here is self forgiveness.
Because the inability to forgive is the inability to release trauma.

Unclog your system, LET THE FLOOD GATES OPEN
The ones who abused you were bad enough, but what you’re doing to yourself dragging all that shit around is even worse.

Someone who can’t forgive is like a sick person who doesn’t want to heal. AND IT CAN CAUSE SICKNESS AND DISEASE. IT ISSS dis-ease!!
Imma stop there for now but I have so many more notes on this to share.
One of my poems that goes perfectly with this thread:
To recap before I throw another corespondent in the mix:
The Golden Sephiroth of TipHARETh= The Heart (heat) Center. The Sun. The SOLar Center. SOUL. Just as the sun provides heat & energy to the rest of the solar system so does the heart to the rest of the body. #AsAboveSoBelow
Okaaay, let’s talk about the Chalice. The GOLDEN cup. The symbol of ABUNDANCE. The Holy Grail.
What is the element of the Chalice?
What is the water element all about?
What is the heart known for? EMOTION
Energy motion
What does the sun do?
The sun heals. It gives life.
Tiphareth balances and energizes the entire structure.

If you can’t balance your energy, your emotion, you become polarized.

Whether you fall into too much negative or too much positive, you will collapse.

Balance: Health
So when we collapse we see emotional breakdowns.

This is a natural means of clearing trauma.

Emotional breakdowns BREAK DOWN energy blockages.
It’s why we grieve when we experience a loss.

It’s releasing trauma.

It hurts, that’s why people have difficulty with it. They’re experiencing all the negativity that they’ve been holding inside as it’s coming out.
It’s a release so that the pressure doesn’t build up and damage things.

Anybody else feel a lot better after a good cry??🙋🏻‍♀️
It’s simply a matter of letting go.

People say “forgive but never forget.”


To forgive is to release & if you’re still thinking about it then you haven’t let go.
Letting go is the key to manifestation. The core of magic is to focus on a desire very intensely and then let it go. That’s the only way to not clog up your energy circuit. Every input needs and output. Release it so it can come back to you. To let it flow, let it go.
Remember what I said about 5? Without movement there is no life, there is no new, there is no freedom.

You want your will to be truly free? Keep the energy moving. Don’t block it by polarizing. It’s all about balance. Use karma to your advantage.
Your will is only as strong as your ability to let go.

Once you master this, your cup of abundance will overflow.

Psalm 23:5 “my cup runneth over”
Notice 2+3=5 ;)

Psalm 5:5
Missed the screenshot at 1:11!! UGH
Where does the water that fills your cup come from? Within you.
But it can’t do that if you harbor trauma.

Being traumatized is just harboring fear of enduring more trauma.

I know that will trigger some people but this is the truth.
People have tried so hard to take your power away that you’ve been convinced that you’re not even in charge of your own emotions.

You can release so much dopamine with just one thought.

It’s all about which mouth you feed and consistency.
If you have a chemical imbalance, what they don’t want you to know, so that they can make money off of you, is that all you have to do is release better chemicals.
The simplicity of this will piss people off but take it from someone who was diagnosed with depression & tried to commit suicide at one point.

Be your own bestfriend.
Don’t ever settle on a thought that brings you somewhere smaller than you. You’ll feel it.
If your emotion/water is blocked it can’t fill your cup, and it can’t runneth over, and then you end up in scarcity.
& then people feel lost, they want to be saved, they go to church, to seek forgiveness from God, then they’re told if they just accept him into their heart they’ll be saved.
& in doing so they’ve given themselves permission through Christ to let go and release all that trauma. Then they feel incredible, alive, “born again” and they attribute it all to Jesus bc they don’t understand the deeper significance of what’s really going on.
It really is a powerful thing, so much so that an entire religion was founded and based upon it.
It’s always within you.
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