Had a very intense and entertaining discussion with a friend last night about movies and famous actors/actresses/directors. So my thread:

Tom Hanks favorite movies:

Forrest Gump
Saving Private Ryan
Toy story
Julia Roberts favorite movies:

Erin Borochovich
Pelican Brief
My best friends wedding
Notting Hill
Tom Cruise favorite movies:

Jerry McGuire
All Mission impossible movies (except for 2.. that sucked!)
Minority Report
Risky Business
Denzel Washington favorite movies:

Training Day
Crimson Tide
Inside Man
Man on Fire
Malcolm X
Sandra Bullock favorite movies:

The Blind Side
Miss Congeniality
The Heat
Murder by Numbers
Mel Gibson favorite movies:

Lethal Weapon series
Mad Max Road Warrior
Chicken Run
Robert DeNiro favorite movies:

Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
Godfather part 2
Meet the parents
Cape Fear
Al Pacino favorite movies:

Godfather part 2
Dog Day afternoon
Scent of a Woman
Sea of love
Steven Spielberg favorite movies

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Schindler’s List
Saving Private Ryan
Jurassic Park
Minority Report
Martin Scorsese favorite movies:

Taxi Driver
The color of money
Gangs of New York
Raging Bull
Cape fear
Keanu Reeves favorite movies

The Matrix
John wick
Point Break
Pixar favorite movies

Toys story 3
Finding Nemo
Harrison Ford favorite movies:

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Blade Runner
The Fugitive
The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Quintin Tarantino films:

Pulp Fiction
Django Unchained
Inglorious Bastards
Kill Bill
Reservoir Dogs
Favorite Jeff Bridges movies:

The Contender
The Jagged Edge
Hell or High water
The fabulous baker boys
Favorite TV shows of the last 20 years:

The Wire
Breaking Bad
The office (seasons 1-4)
Mad Men
True Detective (season 1)
Battle Star Galactica
24 (season 1-3)
Arrested Development
The IT crowd
The Shield
“Gone in Sixty Seconds” is such a bad & ridiculous movie, that it’s actually good and fun... preposterous premise with a great cast like Angelina Jolie, Robert Duvall and of course, the king of the preposterous, Nicholas Cage... love watching it every time it’s on cable 😆
Favorite nominated movies that did not win #BestPicture:

Raging Bull
Raiders of the Lost ark
The Right Stuff
Pulp Fiction
Shawshank Redemption
LA Confidential
Good Will Hunting
Saving Private Ryan
Django Unchained
Mad Max Fury Road
The movies I’ve rewatched the most:

The Empire strikes back
The Dark Knight
Die Hard
There will be blood
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Matrix Reloaded
Mad Max Fury Road
Favorite ‘Finales’


Least Favorite ‘Finales’

#indianajones (hopefully ended)
#GameofThrones (so far)
Favorite Jack Nicholson movies:

As Good as it Gets
The Shining
One Flew over the cuckoos nest
Terms of Endearment
A Few Good Men
About Schmidt
Favorite Russel Crowe Movies:

The Gladiator
The Insider
Nice Guys
A Beautiful Mind
LA Confidential
Favorite Christopher Nolan movies:

Batman Begins
The Prestige
Favorite Schwarzenegger movies:

Terminator 2
Total Recall
The Running Man
Red Heat
1993 is one of my favorite years for movies:

Jurassic Park
The Fugitive
Groundhog Day
Falling Down
In the line of Fire
Schindler’s List
Mrs Doubtfire
The Firm
Indecent Proposal
Favorite David Fincher movies

Fight Club
The Game
Gone Girl
Social Network
Every time I watch #Avatar on cable I feel that it hasn’t aged well at all... I remember the novelty of 3D and the affects were cool way back in 2009, but the story and the writing don’t seem all that great anymore... and James Cameron is making 4 sequels... I mean why? 😐
@faisalrafi : favorite movies of the 21st century (no order)

The Dark Knight
There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men
Django Unchained
Mad Max Fury Road
Avengers Endgame
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Bourne (first 3)
Casino Royale
Finished #StrangerThings3 last night...so much better than Season 2... 80s nostalgia is a total winner... they wrapped up the story pretty much, but then there was a strange post credit scene 🤔

But it was a great third series... plenty of action..the kids were great 👍

Favorite Paul Newman movies:

The Color of Money
The Hustler
Cool Hand Luke
Nobody’s Fool
Absence of Malice
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Sting
Favorite Robert Redford movies:

The Natural
Spy Game
All the President’s Men
Barefoot in the Park
Out of Africa
Quiz Show (dir)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Sting
My Top 10 Action Movies of all time:

1. Die Hard
2. The Dark Knight
3. Terminator 2
4. Mad Max Fury Road
5. Predator
6. Aliens
7. Bourne Ultimatum
9. Casino Royale
10. The Matrix
Favorite Performances to NOT nominated for Oscar

Al Pacino - Scarface
Edward Norton - Fight Club
Jeff Bridges - The Big Lebowski
Natalie Portman - The Professional
Uma Thurman - Kill Bill
Diane Keaton - Godfather Part 2
Denzel Washington - Philadelphia
Favorite Performances to NOT nominated for Oscar

Tom Cruise - Tropic Thunder
Jim Carrey - The Truman Show
Christian Bale - American Psycho
Bill Murray - Groundhog Day
Henry Fonda - 12 Angry Men
Jack Nicholson - The Shining
Robert Shaw - Jaws
So we finished #BigLittleLies season 2. It was well acted and well written. Like I said before, every scene with Meryl Streep is worth a watch. Especially the courtroom scene with Nicole Kidman. Some of the finest acting you will see.


Favorite Daniel Day Lewis movies:

There will be Blood 👍👍👍
Gangs of New York
Last of the Mohicans
My Left Foot
Age of Innocence
The Boxer
Favorite Gene Hackman movies:

The French Connection
Crimson Tide
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Unforgiven
The Conversation
Mississippi Burning
Runaway Jury
No way out
The Quick and the Dead
Favorite Robin Williams Movies:

Good Morning Vietnam
Good Will Hinting
Mrs Doubtfire
One Hour Photo
Fisher King
Favorite Eddie Murphy movies:

Coming to America
Beverly Hills Cop
48 hrs
Trading Places
Best Defense
Beverly Hills Cop 2
Shrek series
Favorite Bill Murray movies:

Groundhog Day
Life Aquatic
Caddy shack
What about Bob?
Favorite Francis Ford Coppola movies:

The Godfather Part 2
The Godfather
Apocalypse Now
Bram Stokers Dracula
The Outsiders
The Conversation
Favorite Jim Carrey Movies:

Ace Ventura Pet Detective
The Truman Show
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Dumb and Dumber
Liar Liar
Bruce Almighty
The Mask
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
The Cable Guy
Favorite Ridley Scott Movies:

Black Hawk Down
Thelma and Louise
Blade Runner
Black Rain
American Gangster

Probably the greatest body of work for a director after Spielberg and Scorsese...
Favorite James Cameron Movies:

Terminator 2
True Lies
The Abyss

He’s made two other movies that are rather famous, but I don’t like either of them... sorry 😐
Favorite Paul Thomas Anderson movies:

There Will Be Blood
Punch Drunk Love
Boogie Nights
The Master
Inherent Vice
Hard Eight
Favorite Tony Scott movies:

Crimson Tide
Top Gun
Spy Game
Man on Fire
Beverly Hills Cop 2
True Romance (the Walken/Hopper scene makes it totally legendary)
Enemy of the State
We finished @TheBoysTV last night.. it is absolutely brilliant! Top notch acting and writing. It’s funny and violent. Stellar cast. Was great to see @elisabeth_shue

Can’t wait for season two. This and #Titans are the best superhero shows in my opinion


“Best Picture” Oscar is crap
Don’t agree?Think about this:

“Goodfellas” lost to “Dances with Wolves”

“LA Confidential/Good Will Hunting/As Good as It Gets” all lost to “Titanic”

“Saving Private Ryan” lost to “Shakespeare in Love”

“Social Network” lost to “King’s Speech”
“Never Grow Old” is a great western. Top notch acting by @johncusack and Emile Hirsch ... the direction and cinematography were fantastic...

Reminded me of ‘Unforgiven’ where each and every death and killing had weight, if that makes any sense

The scene where Robert DeNiro signals to Joe Pesci without saying a word, that they were going to whack Maury is a classic with the inclusion of Cream’s “Sunshine of your Love”.

This is the genious of Martin Scorsese.

Goodfellas is a timeless classic
Watched ‘Casino’ again. It’s a joy every time I rewatch this masterpiece. list of my favorite gangster/crime movies of all time:

The Godfather Part 2
The Godfather
Pulp Fiction
The Untouchables
Training Day
LA Confidential
Lock Stock..
#MindhunterSeason2 1/4

Finished 2nd season of one of my favorite shows of all time. Excellent second season, although not as great as the first one.
So glad #davidfincher directed most of the episodes. No one is better at telling a serial killer story than him (Se7en, Zodiac)
#MindhunterSeason2 2/4

The Great
- acting, cinematography & writing were top notch
- awesome two main interviews with Berkowitz & Manson
- the Atlanta storyline was chilling, especially if you’re a parent
- amazing how it leaves you disturbed without any blood & gore
#MindhunterSeason2 3/4

Not so Great
- I’m glad that Will and Wendy characters were given more time. But the show completely sidelined Holden in terms of character development in this season
- Not enough interview scenes with serial killers
- too many loose ends for season 3
#MindhunterSeason2 4/4

On the whole, it was riveting. The city politics of Atlanta was interesting . Although I would have liked for their to be more serial killer interviews (Bundy perhaps), it was a very good watch. Looking forward to season 3 sometime in my lifetime

Which one is the Tv best show out of these 4?
#SacredGamesSeason2 so we finally finished s2. the cinematography & art direction were fantastic. I found myself lost in the flashbacks and the timelines quite a bit. Nothing unexpected about Pakistanis being the bad guys. It could have been done better 1/3
#SacredGamesSeason2 In terms of acting and characters @SurveenChawla was the standout. Brilliant performance.
Saif Ali Khan just walked around irritated with a broken hand and perspired a lot.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui cursed at everyone & everything, including he chaat Walla 2/3
#SacredGamesSeason2 overall it was a little underwhelming. The story crazy nut wanting to destroy the world, and then wanting everything to ‘reset’ because everything is shit, is just not fresh anymore. #Thanos did it better


Charkov feels there is no need for redesigns at other reactors to make them safer

Charkov: Why worry about something that isn’t going to happen?

Legasov: “Why worry about something that
isn’t going to happen.” That’s perfect. They should put that on our money.
My Favorite Athletes of ALL TIME:

1. Michael Jordan
2. @TomBrady
3. @wasimakramlive
4. @LennoxLewis
5. @serenawilliams
6. @TigerWoods
7. Muhammad Ali
8. @KingJames
9. @usainbolt
10. @rogerfederer
11. @RafaelNadal
12. Ronaldo (Br)
13. @SHAQ
14. @RandyMoss
Settle a debate please. Which is the best movie out of these four:
I went to sleep 3 times while watching it, even though it was really funny and had decent action. When
Jake Gyllenhaal came, I knew he was going to be the bad guy🤷‍♂️

It was fun, but I can’t help feel that the best of the #MCU is behind us

Finally finished it. Took me two weeks. Went to sleep through many of the episodes

The Good
- good to see Orlando Bloom back. Also the girl from Suicide squad was good
- Production Design was fantastic. Plus the Make-up and special affects were great

The Bad
- Horrible script. It was predictable and done before many times. Moved at a snails pace. The side plot about social prejudice was just 😐
- I was surprised to see Jarod Haris involved in this show after #ChernobylHBO ... he was mostly wasted

They’re probably going to have another season. I’m not sure if I’m going up be up for that

Favorite @johncusack movies

Grosse Point Blank
Say Anything
Runaway Jury
Con Air
The Ice Harvest
Pushing Tin
Watching the new #lionking and I’m just thinking why this movie was necessary to make. It’s just a cash grab. The original Lion King is as close to a perfect movie as you can have. Remaking it frame for frame mostly is not improving on perfection.
I’m missing Jeremy Irons
I finally saw the movie last night and I thought it was absolutely brilliant! #JoaquinPhoenix gives a tour de force performance, and I found it to be one of my favorites of all time.
Heath ledger will always be my favorite. If Ledger is 100 as the joker, JP is 97
The movie is brilliantly paced. The art direction and the overall direction is fantastic. Who knew that #ToddPhillips the guy who made ‘Hangover’ (another brilliant movie) could do so much justice to the best comic book villain of all time. Well done 👍
Apart from the various aspects of class, society and violence, which have been discussed, my biggest takeaway was how well the movie showed the impact of abuse, neglect and poor parenting on an adult. It was harrowing to watch.
At various parts of the movie I found myself empathizing and feeling sorry for Arthur. But I was also thinking about what he will turn out to be. And here I thought there was a slight disconnect. If this movie wasn’t about #Batman’s primary enemy, he would be a hero
It’s his dominating onscreen presence which allows #JoaquinPhoenix to be in every scene without the audience getting tired of seeing him. The only performance like this one is Tom Hanks in Castaway.
Albeit disturbing, The movie is brilliant.

Who’s your favorite #Joker
#UmbrellaAcademy is brilliant 👍
Michael Bay is by far the worst director alive. It’s hard to believe at times that he’s made two action classics in “The Rock” & “Bad Boys”. Everything else is just garbage

Worst Michael Bay movies:

1. Transformers 2-5
2. Armageddon (bullshit)
3. The island
4. Pearl Harbor
The guys in pic have directed:

Apollo 13
Beautiful Mind
Da Vinci Code
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Jurassic Park
Taxi Driver
Gangs of New York
Mission Impossible
Star Wars
Back to the Future
Forrest Gump
Apocalypse Now
Godfather 1 &2
@ItsRamiMalek best episode of @whoismrrobot ever! Brilliant acting!

And the whole play thing was genious @samesmail

Quite disappointed with the ending of #TheManInTheHighCastle

I expected a lot more and it went out with a confusing anticlimactic whimper

Favorite Sequels (better than original):

The Empire Strikes Back
The Dark Knight
The Godfather Part 2
Lethal Weapon 2
Terminator 2 Judgement Day
Shrek 2
Mad Max Road Warrior
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Captain America Winter Soldier
Raid 2
Toy Story 2
Bourne Supremacy
What was your favorite movie moment of 2019?

Mine was:
Favorite Brad Pitt movies:

Fight Club
Ad Astra
World War Z
Spy Game
Once upon a time in Hollywood
Favorite Will Smith movies:

Bad Boys
I am Legend
Men in Black
Enemy of the State
Favorite Meryl Street movies:

The Devil wears Prada
Out of Africa
Kramer vs Kramer
Postcards from the Edge
I didn’t watch every movie that came out this year. Missed a few good ones like #FordvFerrari ... but from the ones I did watch, these are my favorites from 2019:

Favorite movies of the Decade:

Mad Max Fury Road
Gone Girl
Django Unchained
Bladerunner 2049
Social Network
Zero Dark Thirty
Get Out
Toy Story 3
Inside Out
Avengers Endgame
Shutter Island
Favorite TV shows of the Decade:

Breaking Bad
True Detective (season 1)
Master of None
Better Call Saul
Killing Eve
Key and Peele

(Would have included another show, if only it had ended well 😖)
Favorite Prison Movies:

Cool Hand Luke
Shawshank Redemption
Escape from Alcatraz
The Great Escape
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Green Mile
Chicken Run
One of my favorite scenes of all time from Casino... Martin Scorsese’s direction and the absolute verbal brutality of Joe Pesci makes this beyond brilliant... almost feel sad for Deniro here... Classic! 👍
Point Break is one of my favorite movies. It was directed by Katherine Bigelow and is non stop fun.

Bodi, played by the late Patrick Swayze had one of the best quotes ever:

“Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true”

One of the Greatest scenes of all time in my opinion from “There will be Blood”

https://twitter.com/itswillyferrell/status/1235424301366603778?s=21 https://twitter.com/itsWillyFerrell/status/1235424301366603778
Another one of the all time greatest scenes ever from Jerry Maguire 🤣
#FordVsFerrari is such an amazingly perfect movie. I didn’t feel the two and a half hour runtime. The script was so amazing and the performances top notch. Christian Bale was fantastic, but Matt Damon was the movie. James Mangold doesn’t get enough love.

When someone you’ve just met and having a polite conversation with says that #GameOfThrones is better than #BreakingBad 😒
Favorite Matt Damon movies:

Good Will Hunting
The Talented Mr Ripley
Bourne Series
The Martian
Ford vs Ferrari
Green Zone
Favorite Christian Bale Movies:

American Psycho
Empire of the Sun
Batman Begins
The Prestige
Harsh Time
Out of the Furnace
The Fighter
Ford vs Ferrari
#NarcosMexico2 was fantastic. I’ve always loved the authenticity in the production. Diego Luna and Scoot McNairy were both great. I didn’t miss Pablo or the Cali cartel in this one. The final scene is a killer.
Looking forward to season 3.

Which is the best Action Movie of all time?
My picks:
Favorite Action Movies
My favorite scene from my all time favorite movie...

Thank you Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale, and most of all, thank you Heath Ledger, wherever you are....

My Favorite Kishore Kumar Songs (solos only):

1. Ye kya huwa
2. Ye Shaam Mastani
3. Roop Tera Mastana
4. O Saathi Re
5. Mere Sapnoon Ki Rani
6. Mera Jeevan Kora Kaghaz
7. Jahan Teri ye Nazar Hai
8. Aise na mujhe tum dekho
9. Pag Ghungaroo
10. Thori Si jo peeli hai
My favorite two Indian Movie soundtracks of all time

(criteria very simple: iconic songs, and you don’t have to skip any song)

1. Silsila
2. Namak Halal
Happy 80th Birthday #AlPacino 😊👍
So @SHO_Homeland ended last week. The series finale was 😐 at best. I think I’m one of the very few people who watched this entire show since 2011. The combination of spy craft and mental illness was fascinating but they lost that plot a long time ago... anyway, it was okayish
#KillingEve finale, just like #GameOfThrones, shows how a change in writers can destroy a great show.
In seasons 2 &3 there was poor character development, and both leads became unlikabe. And the threat buildup (the 12) was ruined just like the Night King.
Best Scenes of all time Series

Fight Club (1999)... This is probably David Fincher’s best movie ever... Brad Pitt was super cool in it, but in my opinion, this was Edward Norton’s movie.. Fastastic Performance!
#SirIanHolm passed away today. He was a wonderful character actor and had some amazing scene stealing performances. My favorite Ian Holm performances:

Lord of the Rings
Lord of War
The Fifth Element
Ratatouille (my favorite I think 😊)

RIP Sir Holm
Which is the greatest Western of all time?
Just Breaks your heart every time
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