Re: #LRT

So here goes my ‘how & why 2019 election was won & lost’ take.

For the most of it, it’s based on established campaign ‘dos & don’ts’, & so, of course, rest of it will be my thought-to-be informed opinion

But first off, I’m decidedly partisan & biased; yes #IAmWithThem
1. The ‘winner’ is running cos he KNOWS he has a chance to win. The ‘loser’ never cared to find out.

Perhaps, the ‘loser’ is leaning on a legend that if you run enough times, you’ll build recognition & get elected.

But that mostly hasn’t been the case. The reverse is even truer
2. The ‘winner’ is running for the ‘right’ reason. In contrast, the ‘loser’ is running only to try & help his ‘business’ interests, &/or cos he feels wronged by the ‘winner’.

Desperation & vengeance are a heavy liability in political campaigns. They throw candidates off-track.
3. The ‘winner’ is using the golden campaign rule of "less is more" wrt talking points.

The rule is to pick 3 issues; 1 you really care about, & 2 ur voters rally around.

Winner took corruption he cares about; & economy & security voters rally around.

‘Loser’ is bumbling about
4. The ‘winner’ in textbook political campaign style, & as in 2014-15 with #Change, gave rise to a ‘movement’; the 4+4 movement. AND, he as usual was authentic in doing so.

The ‘loser’ is bumbling from #Deservation2019 to #GetNigeriaWorkingAgain. Even he knows he’s not authentic
5. The ‘winner’ understands that wrt political taglines, power comes in simplicity. The advice is to be simple & clear. He adopted #NextLevel & #DoingMoreWithLess.

The ‘loser’ had the incoherent #GetNigeriaWorkingAgain adopted; with a completely impossible ‘how’ attached.
6. As a rule, it is not advised to have a ‘generic’ campaign theme.

The ‘winner’ adopted #DoingMoreWithLess (with evidence) to get to the #NextLevel (consolidation of gains made).

The ‘loser’ is going with the incoherently generic #GNWA.
7. Star Boy of the ‘winning’ team is out there going everywhere & talking to people.

Technology is great, but not everybody is on SM (in fact a lot aren’t). Don’t let them tell you otherwise, what star boy is doing is GREAT.

Leave the wannabe Chinese man to continue lying.
8. The ‘winner’, true to self, & in textbook campaign style, has never taken attack ads personally. He faced a brutal campaign in 2015. They’re attempting it again.

True to recommended style, his response fits the attack; “they tell lies about us, we tell the truth about them”.
9. The ‘winner’ speaks the truth. Strange as it might sound for what political campaigns are thought to be, bracing honesty can be powerful, even if it’s uncomfortable.

The ‘loser’ & his team lie even when they really do not have to. It is a chronic ailment their campaign has.
10. Political campaign strategists always advise; “show, don’t tell”.

The ‘winner’ & his team have been showing how much they’re doing with far less than what obtained when ‘loser’ was in Gov’t.

The ‘loser’ is finding it difficult to tell what he has done or is going to do.
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