Mike Awesome gets Spike Dudley the fuck outta here
bye bye
Look at Mike
Just brutal
Spike's girl gets killed too.
This thread was just Mike Awesome destroying Spike Dudley but now its just the Mike Awesome thread.
Look at him
I agree
There's only 1 Big Mike ⬇️
What a cool looking mistake
Frankensteiner from the Gladiator
Gladiator German suplexes Hayabusa right on his face
Mike Awesome shows Hayabusa who's boss
Bridging German from The Gladiator on Big Titan
He's the man
Over head belly to belly from Awesome and then he just flattens Hayabusa with an Awesomesplash
Fuck outta here
Bring back big dudes hitting big dude stuff outta the 3 point stance
Hayabusa tries to reverse Awesome's Irish whip and gets pulled into a guillotine of a clothesline
Huge flying clothesline from Awesome
And another one
Mike just powerbombs the shit outta Hayabusa
Again. Just nasty. That's how you powerbomb somebody
Massive sit out powerbomb on that hard ass FMW ring
Here comes Hayabusa with a springboard flying nothing
Awesome Bomb
Mike is crazy
Mike Awesome with a sit out superbomb on Hayabusa, hell yeah!
Look at God
Big Mike just blasts Kobashi with a huge flying clothesline
Awesome flies more than halfway across the ring with the Awesome Splash
Huge sitout powerbomb on Kobashi
That match is from about 2 weeks before Mike shows up at Anarchy Rulz and wins the ECW championship. I don't know who told him to cut the hair back into the mullet, but a big thank you to whoever that was.
I'm here for all types of flying shoulderblocks
Huge spear from Awesome
Hell yeah
Mike Awesome as ECW champion was him at his absolute best. All the big monster guy energy in the world and a roster chock full of dudes for him to throw. Bless.
Big ol nasty powerbomb on Kid Kash, its table time.
This moment has been pretty much burned into my brain since the night it happened, mainly because of how cool Awesome looks when he lands. That's a world heavyweight champion right there.
Hell yeah
A living, breathing, war machine
An absolutely huge looking Mike Awesome bullies poor little Jado. Mike hates crop tops.
Massive Mike misses with a spinning heel kick! Then just obliterates Gedo and his stupid haircut with a big ol clothesline.
Flew like Superman
Yo look at this bodyslam, just dumps him like he's trash.
This move is called fuck you
Its incredible every time
Awesome with a through the ropes spear in 91!
Mike is super hyped about ruining somebody's brain
Young, mulletless Mike.He debuted in FMW as an ally of Mr. Pogo, which explains the Pogo facepaint.
1991. Purely speculation here but these 2 are cousins, and Hogan is Horace's uncle, I think its a safe guess that that's where those boots came from.
If you thought I was done with this thread after 70 something gifs of the one true Big Mike you got me and the big man fucked the fuck up
Get the fuck outta here with your shit
Jesus fucking christ
Mikey Whipwreck meet Mikey Wimpwrecker
That right there is a fucking heavyweight champion
Mike Awesome ruled on every conceivable level and I'll hear no arguments against that scientifically proven fact
2 big birds for any hater with no taste, and a big Awesome splash because to wash them shits down.
HA! Eat shit, Hippo!
This is brutal but he just celebrates because he's cool as fuck.
My God is an Awesome God
All of Mike's promos sound like dialogue from an 80s movie about wrestling, and I love him for it.
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