The unusually-suited-for-trump William Barr:
From 1994: Barr, a "top layer for the same criminal covert action team" as Oliver North, wanted to abolish parole & use prisoners as slaves to corporate labor. Another all-for-the-rich guy. What plans might he have for immigrants?
His career included protecting political and financial managers of the narcotics trade. How might this fit in to the opioid epidemic? "An aristocratic thug", who might, "frame the law for [his] own advantage" & "played a role in the biggest criminal financial case in world...
history", so he's just in time to be part of the biggest criminal
investigation in world history?
He went to work for the CIA right out Columbia, working in the intelligence directorate of the China Dept. Enter "assassinations manager" Theodore Shackley, head of CIA Miami...
during the Cuba invasion, & w/Thomas Clines put together the trained assassins & smugglers known as "Cuban Irregulars", as perm. covert action force, ran opium-growing ops in Laos, & Op Phoenix mass murder in Vietnam. The Irregulars were later the burglers in Watergate.
Bush recc'd him as clerk for Judge Malcolm Wilkey, who'd been in biz w/ Spruile Baden, Prescott Bush's *banking partner." Allende got elected, confiscated Baden's mining biz, & was then murdered. Then in 76 the opp leader, Letelier was blown up by car bomb in DC and Prescott...
squashed the investigation. Chile wanted Bush to go answer ?s, so AG Barr put Wilkey on it, who "intimidated the dems". Then Wilkey got him in at Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge, where Barr rep'ed B.F. Saul II, a real estate magnate and chair if Financial General Bankshares
who then were taken over by BCCI, a London-based bank, "with Arab and other principal investors "tied to Anglo-American intelligence" and changed it's name to First Am. Bankshares and functioned as, MD/DC/Va arm of the "British spook-bank BCCI" which then became a worldwide
scandal as a "front for the CIA".
Barr's role became controversial as he defended this disregard for transparency of control in banking law, as Clifford said he was fine with the head of Saudi Intelligence "coming in and taking control of all of our banks."

Ack! Why did I start this so late? I will either finish it tomorrow or just just nip the rest if anyone is interested. The pint is that this guy seems shady AF with all the same connex as the other very corrupt ":best people."
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