When I grew up it meant "OK". Now it means "White Power" and there's no use trying to make it mean "OK" again that because that's how culture works.

But what we CAN do is give it an even newer meaning, which I will do now:
There's a group called "Proud Boys" who are apparently are all happy to jerk you off for three bucks.
The guy on the left here who will jerk you off for three books looks pretty buff and also flexible, but to be honest a bit too 70s-stereotypical for today.
But I wouldn't want you to think this is a symbol exclusively for gay or bi culture. Straight woman can certainly offer you a hand job for three dollars too. Even on national TV during judicial confirmation hearings.
I'd like to think we've reached the point now where anyone and everyone can offer you manual stimulation for a low price, at any time. Even our president.
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