2/ Firstly, women over 30 have a lower fertility. If you want to build a family with these old donkeys be prepared to possibly have a
3/ downs syndrome child.
4/ When you marry a 30+ woman, you’re marrying her 30+ penises she's had over her long life on earth. She has more bodies than a grave
5/ yard.
6/ Women over 30 are very bitter from the wasted prime spent on failed relationships she hoped would lead to marriage. Now that you’re
7/ marrying her, she should be grateful, but she’s not, she's always just angry.
8/ By marrying a woman over 30+ you are investing everything in a rapidly depreciating pleasure provider that has already lost a lot of
9/ its aesthetic value... She will be wrinkled in the next 5 years and already having back problems.
10/ Many guys these days are marrying early 30’s women, and then, almost immediately – Bam! It’s over almost before it began. It’s because
11/ you are trying to make ancestors housewives – leave these dinosaurs.
12/ Marrying an over 30 woman is like buying a used car 1km short of its 120,000km servicing. The over-30 woman can fix herself up enough
13/ to fool the prospective provider/hubby for a short while, and once the line that is dotted is signed her true colours come out.
16/ Many women who are not married in their late 30s today never saw it coming. They had a plan: finish their first degree, masters, a
17/ job, a promotion, make money, be independent and settle down by 30, latest 32.
18/ Over the years, they turn down potential husbands, go on a partying spree like they have frozen time, only to arrive at 35 with
19/ nothing to show for it other than a dead end job, a car, and sometimes a child from a relationship that never quite worked out
20/ So, now they are stuck in a phase where they will never find a man of their dreams and have to settle for any man who will be gracious
21/ enough to even suggest marriage. By now, all those flimsy and shallow standards they used to have are gone, humility is their second
22/ name.
23/ I have seen many women on Twitter in their 20s buy into the misguided, feminist belief that men and marriage are bad for their
24/ academic and career advancement. What feminism does not factor in is that the older a woman get, the less a chance she stands of
25/ marrying someone desirable.
26/ Very few men would marry a 35+ woman when we live in a highly hypergamous (act of marrying someone wealthier than you) society. There
27/ are plenty of young and hot beautiful women ready to settle into a marriage where they play the second fiddle as long as the man
28/ provides.
29/ It is good to be ambitious, even better to break the stupid glass ceilings, but at what price? Bottom line, at some point, you will
30/ need a man in your life. My experience of having observed women 30+ has proven that they mostly live a life full of regrets.
31/ Let me share with you from my observations the signs that a woman is likely to end up single, and lonely and stay away from these
32/ types!!
33/ 1. She values education and career over marriage and relationship. She's always throwing statements like "Marriage isn't an
34/ achievement"
35/ 2. At age 30+ she has more liquor in her refrigerator than fruits and vegetables.
36/ 3. She can take down more shots than any of her peers at 30+ who have kids.
37/ 4. She’s into smoking cigarettes and addicted to weed.
38/ 5. Her idea of fun at age 30+ is a night out with the girls.
39/ 6. At age 30+ she still insists on only dating men based on what their career is. "He's a lawyer" "He's a doctor" "He's an engineer"
40/ 7. The idea of cooking for a man is a total turn-off to her.
41/ 8. She has never forgiven her father for abusing her mother, or her first boyfriend used to abuse her and she now thinks every man is
42/ violent and controlling.
43/ 9. She is so much into fashion, and hair-styling she doesn't want to be identified as being old in her circles
44/ 10. Her job involves a lot of travelling or accompanying people on trips.
45/ 11. She can easily find a parking spot at Taboo than her way to church.
46/ 12. She believes in absolute equality in marriage without any sacrifice or compromise.
47/ 13. She spends a lot of time in/around church activities without a relationship with God.
49/ My brother if you find an ancestor over 32+ Love yourself...... run away from these dinosaurs
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