starting a thread of LGBTQ-related objects u can find in @NatGalleriesSco inspired by @V_and_A
(so far i have one, bear w me kids)
while grant was living in london he was an influential member of the bloomsbury group, first introduced to the circle by his lover lytton strachey. other lovers included arthur hobhouse, john maynard keynes, n vanessa bell
im trying to pick works that r on display but also they have a solid robert mapplethorpe collection to keep ur eyes out for:
currently one pic of him by john swannell up in the print room of the portrait gallery ! (
another one to find in the print room ! a drawing by robert colquhoun of robert macbryde, his long term partner
i love robert colquhoun so much. my current favs are his king lear costume designs (what a crossover). this one is gloucester and a Big Mood
i know print room is tenuous and so far these r all white men
it will get better
also, in the longstanding queer tradition of ambiguous close female friendships, i present to u all
joan eardley
all of whose works appear to be in storage in modern one or on loan altho tbf there was the sense of place exhibition not that long ago
but I Love Her
portrait of bisexual icon alan cumming by christian hook in the national portrait gallery !
nude boy in a bedroom by christopher wood, on display in modern one (wins the prize for the most explicitly LGBTQ description so far):
some of vaughans journals are available to look at online via @Tate:
portrait of jane maria grant by carrington. carrington was also a member of the bloomsbury group, notable for her androgynous appearance and relationships w both men and women. on display in the portrait gallery !
thank u @actualprincecas for this one !! 'a portrait of c k scott moncrieff, a translator who was pals with wilfred owen (among others). he was a grad of ed uni and Notable Bi' love a notable bi xxx
AND NOW ! a section on the male favourites of king james vi (re the tweet i just made about potential for incorporating lgbtq history into @N_T_S properties)
first up we have esme stuart, first duke of lennox ! who lives in the print room. jamess sexuality is v much open to interpretation, definitely a lot of chat at the time about him having sexual n romantic relationships w his favourites n its something to open up, not close down
second up is robert carr, earl of somerset ! i say open up and not close down bc regardless of who james slept with (we can never know for sure), the ways his relationships w his favourites were viewed and written about r hugely valuable for learning more about emod sexuality
(another denizen of the print room)
aaaand finally we have george villiers, duke of buckingham ! rex fuit elizabeth, nunc est regina iacobus babey ! (print room again)
AND THE MAN HIMSELF ! who has so many links to the national galleries of scotland for obvious reasons, theyve got portraits of his jeweller, his tutor, his queen, his mum, his weans, etc. not sure if there are any out, pics below are on loan or in storage or print room
hannah frank ! with a quote from dusty answer by rosamond lehmann, a 1927 novel featuring a protagonist who is attracted to both men and women !! another one who was in the bloomsbury orbit
ON DISPLAY ! IN MODERN TWO ! book cover designed by Warhol for '‘here lies the heart’, published in 1960, [. . .] a memoir written by mercedes de acosta who was renowned for her lesbian affairs with members of the hollywood elite.'
ofc there's this brilliant article by laura bauld on patricia cronin's memorial to a marriage across the way at kelvingrove:
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