China is waging a silent war.
We are aware.
US birthright citizenship of close to 3 million in China.
They WILL return when activated.
Electronic and social hacking on an epic level.
Use logic.
Why are Chinese companies racing to become the leading manufacturers of 5G electronics for sale worldwide?
Hardware back doors built in.
Chinese access to all traffic.

Dan Coates ODNI Director:
"China’s actions reflect a long-term strategy to achieve global superiority,"

"Chinese pursuit of intellectual property, sensitive research and development plans, and the US person data remains a significant threat to the United
States government and the private sector."

"Frankly, while we were sleeping in the last decade and a half, China had a remarkable rise in capabilities that are stunning. A lot of that was achieved by
stealing information from our companies, by inserting Chinese in our labs, bringing back stolen properties."
Now that the ODNI has completed his investigations...we connect the dots to our groups previous posts:

Comey on live TV states:
"From the group of 30,000 emails returned to the State Department, 100 emails in 52 email chains have been determined by the owning agencies to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received."
"Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret, 36 chains contained Secret information,
eight contained Confidential information which is the lowest level of classification."

Over 2000 emails were discovered to be in violation.
EACH ONE is a crime.
It gets worse....

FBI agent in charge of gathering evidence off the Wiener laptop, who found remaining "missing" Clinton emails:
"I have private Clinton emails n umber one, and Blackberry messages number two. I'm telling you that we have potentially 10 times the volume that director Comey said we had on the record. Why isn't anybody here?"
"I said the thing that also bothers me is that Comey's testimony is inaccurate."

This means over 20,000 Classified emails were sent/received.

ALL went to a Chinese email embedded on the Clinton server.
Do you see the picture?

You have it all now!
You can follow @ffe3301.
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