I knew that a massacre took place during 1947. But when I started to read up on the subject, it shocked me to see just how unaware we are about the "Nakba" that took place & the tales of horror it caused & most of all how the narrative got distorted by the perpetrator.

Because how can this crime, nothing less than a genocide, be so ignored outside of the area? How can massacres, several hundred thousands killed & a million forced to flee, not even render a whisper in our history books?

It is time to lift this historical injustice to the surface & give the victims the right to own their stories.
I have collected some articles dealing with the forgotten massacres & expulsion of the Kashmiri people. Each article has a short intro or quotes from content.

First and foremost; The Kashmiri history is best told by Kashmiris. Please visit Lost Kashmiri History to get updates on historical events as well as sentiments from the ground and articles that reflects the ongoing conflict.

#Kashmir #History
In October, 1947 India deployed troops to disputed #Kashmir. Since then pro-independence groups and rebel factions have been observing October 27 as the ‘Black Day’. Here is how the conflict over the tiny Himalayan region started.
#History https://www.trtworld.com/ 
"More than 100 lories, loaded with women, children & old men were taken into the wilderness of Kuthua. Hindu extremists & armed gangs were let loose on these innocent people & an unparallel butchery was perpetrated, killing thousands of them"

#Kashmir 1947
"Women were raped, molested and their valuables looted. All these bloodsheds were taking place in full view of the Indian army"
"In another act of butchery, a large gathering of 25000 Muslims were machine-gunned"
~ Bloodied rivers of #Kashmir 1947
#Jammu witnessed a mass genocide at the hands of Dogra rulers, the number of the killed being about 200,000 (237.000 according to most sources)

#Kashmir 1947 #History
Some rare pictures from a forgotten genocide:
"70 years on "The organised & officially patronised #Jammu massacre, almost nothing has been written by India’s mainstream media, keeping alive the tradition of sweeping this enormous human tragedy under the carpet"
By Gowhar Geelani #Kashmir
"In an interview on October 26, 1947 the former editor of #Kashmir Times, GK Reddy, calls the “mad orgy of Dogra violence against unarmed Muslims as an episode (that) should put any self-respecting human being to shame”

#History https://www.newsclick.in/massacre-widened-communal-gap
Read this heartbreaking thread about the #JammuMassacre - Bring the forgotten to the surface!

#JammuMartyrs #Kashmir #KashmirBlackDay #KashmirMartyrsDay https://twitter.com/harith_hb/status/1059543183384854528?s=19
Another thread on #JammuMassacre and the demographic change that followed.

#Kashmir #KashmirMartyrsDay
Since #India has suspended my account in #India (Which would be a relief if it wasn't to curb #Kashmir info) much of what I share is restricted. I will keep repeating it though.

My thread about #JammuMassacre might be easier to read here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1059359179884892162.html
You can follow @HerNameIs_Bea.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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