This article gives a short history of the deal between Obama and Netflix and the original statements surrounding the venture, which now turns out to be all about bringing down Trump:
I am not so sure the Satanic content on #Netflix and Obama's recent involvement with the multi-media company is a coincidence. Obama has an affinity for dressing up as Baphomet.
Photoshop analysis of the photograph with Obama wearing the Baphomet headdress confirms it is an original, un-manipulated image.
#Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall. Additional signaling to things of a "spiritual nature" that we should be cognizant of:
#BoycottNetflix @GOP
I found an Obama Scandal. Imma go create my back up account now...
@threadreaderapp I know if my account gets suspended, you'll just delete the unroll a n y w a y, but let's go for it.
UPDATE: We will be in a long battle for generations, friends.
And then there's this 'rapport' they seem to have....nice catch @dmills3710.
As intimated above, the original goal of the Netflix production, was likely, exposure, affirmation and approval, dang Obama IRS holdovers. #NotTodaySatan I assume you have to wait until the next tax season for benefits to take effect?
Turns out he is chief of the Satanic content I object to at Netflix.
Of course he is knows Obama, he and his wife have been his "hot L.A. power couple" since 2012 or before.🏝👀
How hot?
#QAnon Revelation 1869
Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?
How many billionaires own islands?
How many billionaires live on islands?
My bad, Ted is only worth $250M, he oversees Netflix's $6B film budget. Started his career managing video stores. We all gotta start someplace.
Beeeeecause of Satanic Content, perhaps? Or merely because of the Obama thing? I'm not taking any credit, certainly.
Is there any streaming service that has not fallen prey to this evil indoctrination?
I should be able to rest my case now, but y'all just can't control the binge watching, eh? Put them out of business. #BoycottNetflix
I hope after reading this thread, you feel like anyone stupid enough to involve themselves with Netflix is royally screwed.
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