Let's do a little history lesson on The Heritage Front in Canada.
Why? Because it's connected to the resurgence of neo-nazis and violent hate groups in the US today.
That's Ezra Levant on the cover of this Heritage Front edition. https://twitter.com/TundraEatsYou/status/897352292382367744
Ezra Levant = founder of The Rebel Media in Canada.
They hired Laura Loomer, Jack Posobiec, and Lauren Southern, all of whom are American provokunts.
Jack Posobiec was on the Rebel Media payroll when Macron Leaks went down. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/05/10/jack-posobiec-rebel-media-macronleaks_n_16539470.html
This graphic is quite a beauty, innit?
This is an official Canadian government report on The Heritage Front Affair.
Read this page. Does it sound like what's going on in the US right now?
I think it does.
Here's where things get super weird.
The Heritage Front was a neo-nazi/white supremacist organization.
Ezra Levant is Jewish.
Why was he on the cover of the Heritage Front magazine in 1998? https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/americas/meet-ezra-levant-canada-s-jewish-bannon-wannabee-1.5452295
All of the people connected to this violent extremism have the same god: power. They use hate to gain power.
And they all believe the ends justify the means.
You'll notice the Lost Boys are ethnically diverse, but consort with racists & white supremacist groups. why? power.
The answer to the question, why was Ezra Levant, who is Jewish, connected to neo-nazi/white supremacist group, The Heritage Front, is that this is all about power, concentration of power, narrative control, and control by fear. https://nationalpost.com/features/inside-ezra-levants-rebel-media
All they care about is power.
The idea for The Heritage Front came from a trip a bunch of white supremacists took to LIBYA to celebrate Gaddafi's grip on power there.
Here's the issue: cynical assholes who use hate to gain power don't care that the violence and hatred they incite amongst their followers is real, and will inevitably spin out of control.
They opened Pandora's box when they invited violence into mainstream political discourse.
We need to slam Pandora's box of violent extremism shut. Now. https://twitter.com/MollyMcKew/status/1056086069614202880
Every alarm bell is ringing. tRUmp & the GOP will do nothing to stop this trend, because they *benefit* from this trend.
Shut the box.
Vote in people who can and will stop this.
@FBI can't do it alone-they need elected officials to help. https://twitter.com/karolcummins/status/1056232691614380033
Go read this thread. get angry about how little is being done by our current government-in-power to stop this spread of hatred and violent extremism. then VOTE. THEM. OUT. https://twitter.com/LincolnsBible/status/1056215719002628096
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