✨appreciation thread about yellow & phos' parallels & contrasts or connections✨(this kinda used to be a crack theory abt how the endgame is that phos & yellow would be partners but im bad at actually making crack theory have some sense so... lol) *also very hnk spoilery*
1. They have lost exactly 4 gems that they cared for very much & they both also blames themselves for being the cause of them getting captured and also being the one to carry all the guilt as the survivor
i know phos thinks that they couldnt have saved morga & goshe due to blaming themselves for antarc & ghost's captures; it could be also possible that phos could the chance to save them if the loss of their head didnt happen to them and made them unavaliable for 102 yrs? they...
..could have possibly saved them maybe?
Im NOT BLAMING PHOS FOR ALL OF THIS JUST TO MENTION; i know that phos' head being lost was due to phos being considerate for cairn's restricting inclusions so finding new parts is harder for them...
+ in addition, this could be showing phos' self worth abt themselves to recklessly jump into danger like that without thinking abt themselves😭(bonus note)
2. Both of them also have speed related abilities(temporary only for phos becoz of gold arms)within their inclusion
(also srry for the old hnk scans abt the pronouns there)
3. I also love that at the start, yellow had lost their reason for fighting(from forgetting)and phos reminded them that it was out of love for sensei
(my comment: IM IN PAIN LOOKING AT THIS SCENE AGAIN SOBS i cant believe this heartwarming scene turned into a painful scene)
Then currently, phos right now has lost their affection for sensei while yellow still have affection for sensei & couldnt bear hurting them(the influence young phos had at that time is still there :'D) and now they're KINDA at the opposite sides of how they feel abt sensei rn
4. They both also look up, respect and depend padpa's rationality, leadership skills & charisma very much (LOOK AT THEM BEING WON SO EASILY & BLUSH A LITTLE BY PADPA X'DDDDDDDD)
I will probably come back to this thread becoz i love phos & yellow, and their similarities and contrasts but for now this is all i have rn
I dont say as much but I LOVE YELLOW DIA SO MUCH ALSO????? they are like my 3rd fav hnk character i would give them happiness if i could😭😭
This thread is probably a mess, im so sorry but its probably not an appreciation thread more like a venting thread for my feelings about yellow dia & phos in general and how much i love there's so much behind these 2 together with yellow as a side character???? wow thx ichikawa🙏🏻
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