18 yrs. It took EPLF 18 yrs from inception to liberation. 1973 - 91, EPLF - birthed from 3 splinter ELF groups - moulded into a highly progressive, egalitarian front that revolutionized #Eritrea. Plus an exceptionally disciplined, creative & invincible fighting force.

But most of all, EPLF was a Logistical Phenomenon. Mastering a detailed, complex & coordinated operation involving 10000s of #Eritrea|ns, facilities & supplies over decades.

Strategy, Ownership, Partners, Comms, Org, Inventory, Info, Plan, Mgmnt, Coordination, Execution.
Inhospitable mountains & deserts were carved into under unrelenting assaults behind trenches stretching 320km.:

Building underground homes; factories; schools, garages, halls, laboratories, hosiptal (7km long - worlds longest) etc for 10000s of #Eritrea|ns.
Led by people educated/trained from as far way places like Cuba, China & everything in between. Some with intent to return & liberate #Eritrea. Others abandoning lucrative careers as Drs, Lawyers, Economists, Engineers. Uniting with students, peasants, professionals, nomads etc
This well orchestrated synergy of diverse abilities would create a highly accountable, secretive & effective entity over a vast region in the #Eritrea|n wilderness. A movement that not only absorbed everything thrown at it, but would adapt, emulate & in time, surpass it.
Military units that would disappear in #Eritrea just to appear (for e.g.) in Sudan to crush an assault by Derg & SPLA in 1990 (month before fenkil) to save the Bashir Govt.

Commandos that managed to infiltrate anything at will. Fedayeen that reigned supreme for decades.
It was also supplanted by a parallel humanitarian organization in the ERA ( #Eritrea|n Relief Association). An org. that would save the lives of Millions during the famine in 1984. Described as probably one of the most effective Relief Org in the world at that time.
All this while trying to alleviate (mostly successful) the social, intellectual, skill & health conditions of #Eritrea|ns. Whilst engaging the enemy in combat > 80 times a yr.

Even it's emblem - the Camel - is a testament to logistics.

Now a sample of its architects:
The head of all Logistics for the #Eritrea|n People's Liberation Front: General Ogbe Abraha.

Abducted 2001.


EPLF head of Intelligence & Espionage, Brigade 72: Petros Solomon

Abducted 2001.

Political Architect of EPLF & head master of the Cadre School: Haile Dru'e Woldentsie. The "pope".

Abducted 2001.


Co founder & Head of Eritrean Relief Assoc: Paulos Tesfagiorgis.

Exiled. Considered an "Enemy of the State".

Honourable mention to the greatest diplomat (& intelligence handler) of the struggle: Osman Sabbe. The one who organized #Eritrea|ns to train in Lebanon, Iraq, China, Libya, Cuba, etc Including Isias & Ibrahim Afa


Died in exile, Isias refused him burial.
All of this in 18 yrs. While fighting one of the most viscous wars imaginable. In secrecy, mostly at night & against a foe backed by one superpower after another.

Now compare that to the last 18 years. Look at #Eritrea today.

Isias's PFDJ is the antithesis of EPLF.
Even with luxury of experience, squandered every oppurtunity. Not an accident.

Everything EPLF perfected, gone. What was known as highly capable skeleton Govt before it ever became one 27 yrs ago, is history.

Now PFDJ prepares to hand #Eritrea|n port Logistics to #Ethiopia.
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