We have to WAKE UP and realize that our country has been infiltrated over the past 30 years by people who hate America and have taken over the democratic party. These people are NO DIFFERENT than insurgents like ISIS.
2) They have hidden behind ideological projections and gained access/acceptance through the push of an aggressive liberal progressive agenda that has been enabled/pushed by the mainstream media. The democratic party of old has been transformed into an America hating machine.
3) These insurgents have been able to walk & work among us, inserting their hatred of America by using the political correctness movement as cover. If you resist their beliefs you are labeled racist or _________ phobic, & shamed in the court of public opinion to force compliance.
4) When you continue to speak out against their insurgence, they destroy you. They sue you, they accuse you of hate, they report you on social media to get you silenced. We must realize that this IS AN INFORMATION WAR! They are out to destroy ALL who disagree with them.
5) They actually talk up the division in our country and promote it on all forms of media in order to draw the battle lines. They project the hatred they have for their opposition onto those who disagree with them, in order to convince the public opinion to view them as victims.
6) They play the victim card repeatedly while they continually push their ideology. Just look at the DNC email 'hack' (really all information provided by Seth Rich). They convinced public opinion that they were the victims. Damn the emails and their content......
7) .... damn the corruption the emails demonstrated- IN THEIR OWN WORDS. VICTIMS. Look at the way they have used the word SURVIVOR over and over when talking about Dr. Ford. VICTIM. You cannot possibly stand AGAINST a victim!!!! SHAME ON YOU for questioning VICTIMS.
8) These insurgents have spread like wildfire through our media, colleges, civil rights groups, and many great sounding ideologic 'non-profit' organizations that they created for the purpose of fund raising and creating 'buy-in' for their ideas.
9) This is NOT something that has happened overnight. This has been 30+ years in the making. This was a calculated plan to destroy America from within. Through either 'buying' our politicians or planting their own politicians, they have infiltrated the highest levels of our gov't
10) All levels of government. Local, state, and national. They have infiltrated all levels of our media as well. When they gained control of high level government, policy making positions, they were able to steer the legislation and create a 'friendly' environment to operate in.
11) By infiltrating the media, they have removed the oversight that would normally stalwart the corruption of government and keep the public informed. You have to wrap your brain around just how deep and wide this corrupt infiltration is and how much they HATE AMERICA.
12) When @realDonaldTrump was elected, he immediately became a grave threat to all the infrastructure that they had built. They could not allow that to happen. They have fought him and us each and every step of the way. They have thrown every thing possible at us in resistance.
13) Yet the plan that was devised by @realDonaldTrump our military & the execution of that plan- including the use of #QAnon - has beaten the corrupt insurgents every step along the path of draining the swamp. With each defeat, the insurgents get more & more desperate. Dangerous!
14) So desperate and dangerous that they have taken to the streets wearing masks and creating violence. They have camped out to ambush people in restaurants. They have carried out violent crimes (FFE), they have done every thing they can to destroy Judge Kavanaugh, ......
15) ..... they have tried to destroy @GenFlynn, they have tried to destroy @realDonaldTrump, they have censored/silenced thousands of conservative voices like @RealJamesWoods, @thomaswictor, @therealroseanne, @kanyewest and many many others.
18) These people are NO DIFFERENT than terrorists. They screw the rule of law and they have zero concerns for anything other than their agenda. All that matters to them is WINNING. When you have a side that is ONLY concerned with winning, they will not accept losing.
19) Losing is ALL that @realDonaldTrump and the #Qanon movement has given them. And what is their answer? More attacks. Ricin at the Pentagon??? Ruthless Terrorists! https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/02/politics/pentagon-ricin-mail/index.html?utm_term=image&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twCNN&utm_content=2018-10-02T16%3A21%3A05
20) At this point they have nothing to lose. They are not going to hide in the closet while we 'rob' their hopes & dreams of a globalist utopia away from them. They will not stand idly while we assault & refute their insurgence. They have gone 'all-in' and losing is not an option
21) I wrote this thread with ONE intention in mind. My goal is to scream from the mountaintops what #QAnon has said 21 times- THIS IS NOT A GAME.
22) The #Qanon movement has grown exponentially in the past 11 months, yet even many that have followed from the very beginning, have looked at the Q-Drops as clues in a puzzle game. Like we are trying to exit an escape room. THIS IS NOT A GAME.
23) Think about boxing training and the difference between hitting the heavy bag vs. having an opponent hitting us back. Think about the difference between firing at at target at a shooting range vs being in a gun fight. We have to realize that these insurgents want to destroy us
24) So when people look at the drops that #QAnon has made and been like "Q is a larp because he said 'X' would happen and it didn't." That is someone who does NOT understand the purpose of Q.
25) #QAnon is here to speak to the bad guys as much as Q is here to speak to the Anons. There are MANY drops that were written to get the opponent to move a chess piece- exactly where we wanted it moved- based on the info that Q gave 'us'.
26) BAIT, FISHING, Setting the traps, flushing them out. The Art of War is intricate. Getting your opponent to move and adjust their strategy when and where you want them to. The ULTIMATE OFFENSE- Not only attack but control their counter moves.
27) DO NOT be discouraged- That is NOT the purpose of this thread. BE PREPARED and know not only your enemy, but your ally. Understand that the insurgent deep state will stop at nothing to avoid destruction of their dream.
28) Understand that @realDonaldTrump, #QAnon and Patriots will not rest until EVERY cell of the insurgent deep state has been defeated/destroyed completely. This revolution has been ordained by God. Darkness cannot defeat light if light refuses to be hidden. Godspeed Patriots!
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