OK folks, time to get real. If you support Donald Trump and anyway, you can go ahead and check out. This is not for you.

For those who realize Donald Trump is not good for the US, we need a chat. We need to get very serious, logical, organized and we need to finish the job.
For those of you who have been democrats or liberals or progressives for some time, here is my ask. Please consider doing all you can to make the tent as biggest possible. People like Doug Jones can win in the right places.
I do not now, and will not in the future, see you as an enemy of America. I see you as someone I may disagree with on political ideology.

And I guarantee you, when were past all this, that I listen to you fairly. I'm not promising to agree, but I will honestly listen.
For those of you who would consider yourself to be moderate democrats. Doug Jones types. Business democrats. I'm here to make common cause with you. I don't know if we have a long term relationship, but for now, let's work together to get our country back.
Make no mistake, I'm not giving up my believes in small government, minimal necessary regulation, free markets, strong national defense, securing our borders (effectively and humanely, while encouraging immigration), etc.

But I recognize that the Constitution is at stake.
So now I turn to the never trumpers. The former republicans. The conservatives who will not abide this nativist trash.

We are the ones that my show our character. We are the ones who must show that we love our country more than we love our party.
And we must show that we actually believe in our ideals and are not throwing them away for power.

And if I'm right, then you believe like I do that conservativism comes from constitutionalism.That the founding fathers were right about checks and balances and free markets.
And by God, and educated citizenry.

And if you do, then you need to ask yourself this: if you could go back in time to 2014 or 2015 and put in effort to make sure we didn't end up with Trump, what would you do?
Would you do more than just vote? Would you get out and canvas? Would you have the guts to make that awkward introduction of a conversation topic?

Would you actually work for a campaign?
Unfortunately, it is too late to work for a Republican campaign, except in very select circumstances. For example, I would work for Will Hurd in a heartbeat. Ben Sasse. John Kasich.
At the very least, please consider the reality that a vote for anyone who is enabling trump right now is a vote for trump. If you're not in a place where you can vote on the other side of the ballot, I get it.
But if you really understand how dangerous trump is, then please don't enable him by voting for someone who's doing that.
But I would implore you to search your soul. To really do your own research. Find out if these so called progressive and liberals that people are being painted as are really as bad as someone like Ted Cruz says they are.
I hope you can see what I see. That there are people like Doug Jones who are not coastal elites or progressives or liberals, but a rather moderate democrats or otherwise democrats who will stand up for the Constitution before hyper partisanship.
Make no mistake, there are hyper partisans on the left. And they are potentially just as point as poisonous as hyperpartisans on the right.

But I am fairly certain but they are nowhere near as populous as they are on the right right now.
Either way, do your own due diligence.

And if you find that you do have a moderate Democrat, then please consider doing everything you can to make sure they win. If you know Trump is really as vile and as anti-constitutional as he appears to be, don't leave anything to chance.
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