1/ Soooo ... you read a tweet from someone and it seems like either a well written message or the info it contains is enlightening, important, profound, funny ... whatever.

So you click the "Like" button! Do you knows what happens?
2/ Nothing!

The heart on your Like button turns red and the sender gets notification that you Liked the tweet. That's it!

Now don't you feel better about yourself?

In this thread I'm going to try and explain why everyone needs to Retweet (RT) more messages.
3/ You've all heard about, and maybe experienced, how Twitter is "Shadow banning" conservative's accounts. If you don't understand the term, look it up.

The result is that when we send a new tweet, it has a very small chance of being seen by all of your followers.
4/ Twitter has algorithms that allows it to keep track of who you interact with the most, & those are the only ones who will see your tweets.

The more popular accounts with large numbers of followers, like @RealJamesWoods or @ThomasWictor, get lots of responses to their tweets.
5/ As a result, when they tweet, each tweet can be seen by thousands of people.

When we lowly deplorables tweet, it may be available to a couple of hundred people. And how many of those people are on twitter at that exact moment?
6/ Chances are only a hand full. So unless you've got followers who routinely scroll back through your timeline, that VERY profound tweet you poured your heart into is seen by maybe five or six people ...

And two of them "Like" it!
7/ If we conservatives REALLY want to get our message out on social media, we are going to have to get far more organized and start using the platforms like Twitter far more strategically.

One way is to RETWEET!
8/ Retweeting a tweet increases the chance of your message having the impact you intended logarithmically...

It's the old adage "you refer three friends, then they refer three friends, and so on" ...

You know, like compound interest.
9/ Retweeting is the only way conservatives are going to overcome the roadblocks Twitter continues to put in our way!


Stop "Liking" ... Nobody sees them 'cept the Likee and the Likeor!
11/ Let me know if you have any other ideas about ho to get our message out to those who may be on the fence, politically, or how to refute the constant drumbeat of FakeNews.

Love to hear from you!
10/ What I actually have been doing for several months is to use the Like button for two purposes:

a.) To show that I actually likes a tweet that I first retweeted, or
b.) As an acknowledgement to a reply ... i.e. Thanks ... or Gotcha.
ADDENDUM 1/ I should have included the fact that any tweet you post has to compete with the thousands of other tweets ... and retweets ... posted each minute of every day.

Having your tweet RT'd by others gives it a fighting chance to be seen by more people.

ADDENDUM 2/ If one needed more proof that RETWEETING was more effective than Liking, there are no limits on how many tweets you can like, but the limits on how many and how often you can RT were recently reduced to 2,000 RTs per day and 100 RTs per hour‼️
ADDENDUM 3/ Retweet with comment/Quoting a tweet isn't the same thing as plain retweeting.

The former is treated just like any new tweet you may post, subject to all of the algorithms & blocking any of your tweets receive.

Go ahead and Quote, but then go back and RETWEET RT RT
ADDENDUM 4/ In case you're not aware, while it seems you are "forced" to Quote, if you wait just a moment, a "Retweet" button appears at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Just ignore quoting & press the RT button. Works just like the RT icon used to work.
ADDENDUM 4 (cont)/ Quotes are NOT RTs ... As I stated earlier, they are subject to the same algorithms as an original tweet, plus they break the thread if you are RTing someones thread.

I've noticed a big increase in 'Quotes' and a decrease in RTs.

Please ... RT RT RT!
You can follow @alpipkin.
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