A twitter thread in which I drag every single US president in order:
George Washington: Dude was a shit-ass general who owned slaves and when the working class realized that they were getting the same shit ass deal as before under the British and rose up, Washington came down on them like a ton of bricks to secure power.
John Adams: you want somebody who hates freedom of speech. Adams signed a bill saying you couldn’t talk shit about him, and made it harder to become a citizen (though not as hard as it is today). In fairness though, he didn’t own slaves, this is going to be a rarity going forward
Thomas Jefferson: Motherfucker owned slaves, and was a rapist, committed forced removal against Native Americans. Started an actual war in North Africa and a trade with with Britain that would eventually escalate into an actual war.
James Madison: Went to war with Canada and lost. Also owned slaves.

Continues here: https://twitter.com/instantsunrise/status/1033959138265464832
James Monroe: Expansionist imperialist. Owned slaves. Set in motion the first of many centrist compromises (Missouri) with slavers who had absolutely no intention of keeping in good faith. Presided over an economic crash and tried to raise tariffs to fix thing, making it worse.
JQA: Nothing. He didn’t own slaves, and opposed slavery. Built actual infrastructure. He tried to deal fairly with Native Americans even when shit-ass generals were trying to fuck them over. Had an absolute garbage VP of John C. Calhoun.
Oh yeah definitely. The Nazis took a lot of ideas from both American expansionism and European Colonialism, leading to generalplan ost. In a lot of ways, the Nazis eastern front was a colonial war fought on the continent. 1/2
That’s not even getting into how the Nuremberg laws used against Jewish people were based off of Jim Crow, or the support that American businesses (Ford, Hearst, et. al) provided them up until Pearl Harbor.
Communism is when the government sells off its functions to unaccountable private companies with no oversight and no input from the people. The more it sells off the communister it is.
anyway zyuganov would have won and clinton shouldn’t have rigged the election against him
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