LEVIATHAN you say??? Hmm... https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/994380612281798656
"Leviathan" as a concept is important to #Hivites. It represents primordial chaos (aka the Goddess before creation, the "creatrix") according to the Bible, & the State of Nature in which man is unbound & unprotected by society/laws, per Thomas Hobbs, a philosopher in the 1650s.
Leviathan is also the name given to a monster that presents the external threat #Hivites maintain is required to unify man against a common enemy for mutual self protection. (Da Alienz anyone?)
In reality, the #Hivites ARE the Leviathan monster. They create the chaos. They create false external enemies to get us to congeal into groups. They are MONSTERS.
Furthermore, the word "Leviathan" harkens back to LEVI, as in Tribe of Levi (Kohenim), where @cronsell and I believe #Hivites have been hiding in Judaism/Israel (the people, not the state) since the exodus from Egypt. All very interesting and curious, if you ask me. #QAnon @POTUS
Once upon a lifetime ago I wrote a paper about Hobbes' Leviathan.
You could say that #Hivites are trying to create a Leviathan, as in a return to a chaotic state of nature in which man is unbound by laws/society & can therefore act as primal/vulgar as desired without any restrictions on behavior. Despotism of the psychopathic, basically. #QAnon
They were going to be KILLED. Instead, they endeared themselves to the other tribes by offering themselves up as SLAVES (Royal Slave anyone?) They claim superior access to/knowledge of the "old religion" and say everyone else has it WRONG. Convenient. https://twitter.com/jackthejaws/status/1032274216303902720
ALL of that is spot-on with things my dad told me about #Hivites during the period of heavy indoctrination when he was unloading all of this info into my head at age 14. When I read about Levites/Kohenim, I immediately recognized the parallels with things my dad said to me.
My dad claimed that the "rituals" (aka the child rape, human sacrifice, & cannibalism) MUST be done in order to communicate with "God" (which apparently is the Annunaki, if we follow the myth back all the way to Sumer). He said the "Family" are UNABLE to disobey "God" & stop.
He also said that God loves man & doesn't want man to have to suffer the abuse/rituals that MUST be done in order to communicate, so God sends himself into the world as a moonchild of a Hivite in order to let the Hivites do what they MUST, but only do it to God directly, not man.
They then used 👆to justify TORTURING me & to manipulate me into ACCEPTING ABUSE because, ya know, I'm apparently God, and as God, I apparently CHOSE to come here to be abused, and I apparently, as God, MADE them & am thus responsible for their dysfunction & criminal behavior.
This is the line of reasoning my dad used to convince me that I am "the Goddess" (Inanna, Astarte, and Tanit, specifically in my case) and that they are actually WORSHIPING me, not abusing me, when they f*ing torture me & subject me to #RitualAbuse & #MindControl.

They also invented Theosophy (justification for evil in a world created by an all loving God). "It's all part of God's plan, and it had to be this way, it couldn't be any other way, so who are we to judge God's perfect plan?" What on Earth is a 14 year old supposed to do w/ THAT?
Then there's this: https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/990330376420814848
In a dream at 15, I remembered being in the desert w/ my dad in a place w/ tents & pyramids set up like ancient Egypt. I think it was a movie set in the Cali desert near Joshua Tree 1988 (age 7). When I told my dad about the dream, this was his response:

Once again, this "soul contract" concept BLAMES THE VICTIM FOR THE ABUSE. He was basically telling me that I shouldn't complain, because he & I agreed, thousands of years ago, to do this cycle of abuse with each other in order to "learn" or some bullsh*t like that. LIARS ALL.
This is also what he used to define & describe "KARMA" - that whoever you end up being in this lifetime (victim, for example) is based on your own bad karma from past lives (translation: You were just like us in your last lifetime & now you're paying for it. It's your FAULT).
Notice how a lot of these terms are also used in the NEW AGE movement?! NOT a coincidence. #HivitesGetLit #byePhoenicia your stupid narratives don't fool humans anymore, we've evolved beyond your mind games now. #LuciferiansAreDumb #OldSchoolisDead #ItEndsNOW #TheGreatAwakening
Back to the Egypt memory - he was trying to convince me that this "dream" was a past-life memory of he & I in Egypt as Pharaoh (him) and princess. This was to (1) cover up CRIMES that happened in the Cali dessert (2) Get me to buy into the cult instead of recognizing ABUSE.
It was also to reinforce the (false) belief/idea that I am somehow ROYAL (Pharaoh-to-be, specifically), and that he is KING & God on Earth (ergo I CANNOT disobey him & must do whatever he says). Again I say, CONVENIENT for them, no? This sure SERVES their purposes if you ask me.
Funny thing about memories vs dreams, though. Dreams fade; details disappear, a person can't recall a dream after 23yrs. But Traumatic Memories that present themselves in dreams, on the other hand, remain in-tact in splendid detail for decades until processed. So which is this?
Ding Ding Ding

Also, Roeper, the #Hivite Luciferian CIA #MKUltra school they sent me to, is based on a "Humanistic Philosophy" Hmmmm..... Maybe "Humanism" is just a euphemism for "Luciferian.
#QAnon @POTUS #TheGreatAwakening #byePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit https://twitter.com/therevealing924/status/1032283655006171137
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