Jason Kenney is one of the most anti-LGBTQ2+ politicians to ever hold elected office in Canada. If you don’t believe me, here’s a timeline detailing @jkenney's 20-year fight against LGBTQ2+ equality. (1/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
January 1998: Jason Kenney refers to the Vriend case (which held it was unconstitutional to exclude gays and lesbians from human rights laws) as a “virus” of judicial activism. (2/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
January 1998: Jason Kenney urges Alberta Premier Ralph Klein to invoke section 33 of the Charter (a.k.a. the notwithstanding clause) to block human rights protections for gays and lesbians. (3/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
June 1998: Jason Kenney attacks Justice Rosalie Abella, after she ruled in favor of a lesbian couple's constitutional challenge. Kenney called Justice Abella "irresponsible", "ideologically driven" and "radical". (4/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
June 1998: Jason Kenney calls on the government to appeal the Rosenberg case. That case ruled that it was unconstitutional for the government to treat same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples differently under the Income Tax Act. (5/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
June 1999: Jason Kenney votes in favor of a motion that proclaims marriage is between “one man and one woman”. (6/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
April 2000: Jason Kenney votes against Bill C-23 (Modernization of Benefits & Obligations Act). (7/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
November 2002: Jason Kenney equates the rights of gays and lesbians to polygamy and incest. He accuses the courts of opening “the door for polygamists, advocates of incest, and others to claim the same status as homosexuals”. (8/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
August 2003: Jason Kenney suggests, in an interview with CTV News, that Catholics who support same-sex marriage should "leave the community". (9/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
September 2003: Jason Kenney votes against extending hate crime protections to gays and lesbians. (10/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
September 2003: Jason Kenney (again) votes in favor of a motion that proclaims marriage is between “one man and one woman”. (11/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
February 2005: Jason Kenney insults an openly-gay MP (Libby Davis). (12/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
June 2005: Jason Kenney votes against the legalization of same-sex marriage. He previously referred to same-sex marriage as a “radical social experiment”. (13/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
December 2006: Jason Kenney votes to re-open the debate on same-sex marriage. (14/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
April 2008: Jason Kenney remains silent when a video surfaces of #CPC MP Tom Lukiwski proclaiming: “There's As and there's Bs. The As are guys like me. The Bs are homosexual faggots with dirt under their fingernails that transmit diseases”. (15/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
July 2008: Jason Kenney attends a fundraiser for Guy Earle. Earle is accused of referring to group of lesbians as "dykes". He's also accused of shouting: “You’re a fat ugly cunt. No man will fuck you... that’s why you’re a dyke. You fat cunt.” (16/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
May 2010: Jason Kenney stands by the Conservative Government, after it is revealed that the Toronto Pride Festival will be denied funding from the Marquee Tourism Program. (17/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
June 2012: Jason Kenney votes to remove hate speech provisions from the Human Rights Act. (18/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
March 2013: Jason Kenney (again) votes against extending human rights protections to those who are discriminated against because of their ‘gender identity’ or ‘gender expression’. (19/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
April 2014: Jason Kenney endorses Rob Anders. Anders was criticized in 2012 for disseminating a petition (in response to a transgender rights bill) that called on the House of Commons “to protect and safeguard our children”. (20/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
December 2014: Jason Kenney delivers a speech to a social conservative group on conscience rights. He urges the group to do their "part to defend the rights of conscience of all, in all environments". (21/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
July 2015: Jason Kenney brags about his “role” in repealing hate speech provisions from the Human Rights Act. (22/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
October 2015: Jason Kenney’s campaign accepts a contribution from John Carpay (who heads up the anti-LGBTQ2+ Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms). (23/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
May 2016: Jason Kenney votes in favor of motion to insert “conscience rights” into a piece of federal legislation. These "rights" would allow medical practitioners to discriminate against patients, by refusing to provide medical services. (24/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
April 2017: Jason Kenney delivers a closed-door speech to John Carpay’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms ("JCCF"). The JCCF has spent years fighting against LGBTQ2+ rights in the courts. (25/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
November 2017: Jason Kenney opposes Bill 24, which will protect LGBTQ+ students who choose to join a Gay-Straight Alliance ("GSA"). (26/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
January 2018: Jason Kenney remains silent after the Town of Taber denies a request to fly a pride flag on a community flag pole. (27/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
April 2018: Jason Kenney remains silent after John Carpay's @JCCFCanada launches a legal challenge alleging GSAs create “an environment conducive to manipulation and to the sexual abuse or exploitation of younger children...". (28/28) #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
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