This means nothing to ya'll, but today is the 15 year anniversary of the time myself and another radio DJ accidentally played ‘Candy’ by 8 Ball & MJG on a gospel station for 4 hours straight, no commercials….on a Sunday morning. A thread. #SundayStoryTime
For those that don’t know radio, on Sunday mornings there aren’t many jocks in the building. The voices you hear between songs are all pre-recorded breaks. Real Jocks don’t get to the station until 10-11am. The building is empty except for one man.The board operator. aka Board Op
Every radio station houses about 4-5 different stations.(Hip Hop, Country, Rock, etc…) The job of the board op is to go from room to room every 30 mins or so to A) Make sure the music and commercials in the computer match what's listed in a paper log
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