Hindus shy away from positive as well as punitive physical relations. Simple biology. https://twitter.com/Gopalee67/status/1027456714558193670
Devout brahmin must be punishing his wife by not having physical relations with her.
Sullis are intellectually dumb but produce numerous ghazis and teach them to be great jihadis. Think why..
Blaming/mocking sullas won't do. Hindu society needs to return back to orthodox patriarchy as we were before this republic. There's no other way we can actually counter any abrahamic onslaught: be it womb jihad or prosyletisation or secessionist terror. https://twitter.com/Chandrapida1/status/1027613722188034048?s=19
Hindu Patriarchy is about Hindu males taking up the mantle, being responsible. Not the current escapist pacifist nuts we are.
All pervasive Hindu decline thanks to H blindly accepting the ripablik three gens ago. The ripablik schematically, like a heat seeking missile, destroyed every Hindu institution till no life was left in them while the H were force fed seculibshit to make Foie Gras of the H livers
Hindu girls are so dumb. Be it crorepati background or gazetted officers themselves they fall for unemployed uneducated katu@s. Thanks to schematic destruction of hindus blindly believing in & adhering to the kaaloniyal democrazy which is a tool to annihilate Hindu civilisation +
+ annihilate Hindu civilisation via education, law, media, policies and administration. Hindu girls are available to sullas. Is reverse happening? No. mlEchChas guard their women zealously and aggressively while preying upon H females as well, from paediatric to geriatric.
Heck they even target married H women with teenage kids, these kids will be their future ghazis. Hindus are dodos, send their females to beauty parlours where even ghazi males have access to H female bodies, & jihadi mominas groom H females psychologically for the true believers.
Modern democracy purportedly builds itself upon science & scientific ideals but fails to teach fundamental biology to people. In fact it dismisses biology to impose pseudo-scientific jargon like "social sciences" to lord over the masses. https://twitter.com/Shakra_Kulish/status/1061163947477348353?s=19 Return to smritis
A Gujarati momina. She wants global khilafa on the lines of previous islamic sultanates. Even the Hindu males don't have this clarity https://twitter.com/garamchaiii/status/1107469245624078338?s=19
Hindus don't punish kids these days, spare the rod spoil child to an extent that teen daughter with her boyfriend murders her father because the poor father objected to her relations with the fellow https://www.ndtv.com/bangalore-news/bengaluru-15-year-old-girl-stabbed-father-set-him-on-fire-say-cops-2087361
What feminists & their dumb followers of all hues don't tell you or in all likelihood do NOT know that females wear revealing clothes to excite the males and the response invariably happens everytime as it is expected of the biology, they cunningly/stupidly blame everyone though.
Which male will NOT be visually excited by a young female revealing herself on purpose?
Mentally incapacitated and sexually dysfunctional includes all shades of natural and unnatural LGBTQPXZ
Point is simple: females are always targeted to various degrees by curious males, clothing of kafir females & hungry M make it a deadly cocktail. Sullas put their females in opaque clothings, HINOs females crave for public nudity making themselves easy meat for halal & halala.
https://twitter.com/Hastivarman/status/1287608083556884481?s=19 Socially, urban Hindus no longer apply biolens on most of external/issue. Legally Hindus are selectively prosecuted & persecuted thus unable to exert biolens. U3 get open field. Outlier females, even mainstream ones, perceive the signals, act per biology.