My distinguished spouse, legal author Jane Coleman ( ), reminded me today of her great insight that the conduct of today's #journalism / #Resistance claque is readily understood by reference to the behavioral biology concept of "extinction":
As @AlamoSweetheart points out, this is kind of a tantrum. But while a tantrum can be caused by anything a child wants but doesn't get, an extinction burst is a reaction to disappointment over deeply conditioned expectations based on specific responses to certain behavior. >
As Jane explains, you put the coins in the soda machine but no soda comes out. So you put in more coins because, contrary to what just happened, you can't accept that what always worked won't work this time.

Repeat. Get angry. Repeat. Get enraged.

Kick machine. Break foot. >
And there's our juvenile #journalism JV squad and, Jane puts it, its once reliably symbiotic government twin. Certain noises, key words and other reinforced behavior reliably produced certain political outcomes for years.

Then came... extinction. >
More from that article I screencapped in the first tweet (!po=5.76923): It's all about emotion with these Jim Acosta-type prima donnas having their public meltdowns lately. >
Emotion - not righteous outrage over supposed First Amendment rights - is what this is about. (Jane previously practiced law in the First Amendment sphere herself - long before I did.)

Emotion over the extinction of an expected reward... makes #journalism babies cry.
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