I have a problem with calls for Free College tuition. Here is why. I believe it is backwards to focus on free college. Instead there should be a focus on universal day care, universal preschool, and universal pre-K. There should be a focus on improving our public school system.
We need to treat our teachers better and make sure they have all of the resources they need so they can do their jobs. To me, teaching should be treated as the most important profession in our country. Because behind every success story we see is a teacher who taught them.
Our entire school system needs to be reformed. I think we should do away with private schools so everyone can be on the same level. I think we need to move from competitiveness and away from doing so much testing. Instead there should be a focus on actually teaching children.
I would only have the students take one test right before they get into high school so they can make a decision on how they want to proceed, either going the college route or going the more vocational route. You don't always need a college degree to be successful in life.
Those who go the vocational route can always decide to switch to the college route later on. I can see the community colleges being free but to make every college free would mean we would have too many people with a degree and not enough jobs. It would defeat the purpose.
I don't know. This is just my opinion. I just think it is backwards. When I think about how much we had to spend for my son from day care just so he could have a fighting shot & how he would've been so far behind had we not done that, I think this is where it starts, from young.
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