Navalakha Temple, Gumli(Gujrat)
Dated: ~11-12th century CE by Jethwa kings
The temple is built on a high platform of 153*102ft². Two the main sanctum attached is two storeyed Mandapa that measures 55 ft on N-S axis. There are elephants carved in high relief at the base of temple.
Distant view of same NauLakha Temple in Ghumli, Porbandar(Gujrat)
The Mandapa of the temple follows cruciform plan and have 22 regular columns and 30short columns on low screen wall. Brackets are adorned with Kirtimukha, Hamsa etc. Dome was already ruined when Burgess reported.
NauLakha Temple, Ghumli(Gujrat)
1. Plan of temple(usual for both north and south Indian temples)
2. Exquisite sculptures from same region
3. Carved pillars from NauLakha Temple and Chhatri
4. Brackets of pillars, NauLakha Temple
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