Petition to treat genders like operating systems

"Are you a man or a woman?"
"Oh, I dual boot."
"At work I use Corporate Femme but at home I run Apocalyptic Fuckboi."
"Let's hang out tonight. I'll bring over a copy of Femininity and we'll set you up with a custom install."
"Ugh, don't listen to him, he's been running the same unpatched version of Masculinity for 10 years."
"I hear you're getting top surgery."
"Yeah I was sick of running BIND."
"So, did you come out to your parents, yet?"
"Nah, I'm still running a VM."
"Excuse me, hardware interrupt."
*goes to bathroom*
"Oh, you're genderfucked?"
"Yeah I like to write my own mods."
"Your "natural look" makeup is so lightweight!"
"I do a lot of work in embedded systems."
"You ok? You seem tired."
"We did a lot of stracing in therapy today."
"Oh, that's intense."
*sits down in beautician's chair*
Overclock me
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