"eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is bullshit kinda and not just bc ghandi was terrible.
like. humans are empathetic, we feel for people based on our own experiences. sometimes you hurt someone and you don't understand how it was wrong until you're hurt the same.
if someone takes your eye and you take theirs the whole world isn't gonna go blind, the person most likely is gonna be like "oh wow this fucking sucks i'm not gonna take people's eyes anymore"
same goes for "don't fight hate with hate" same concept and like obv if you can combat shit peacefully is much better but sometimes all people know is hate, they've gotta be hit w the same thing to understand that what they're doing is shitty.
idk all i'm saying is that while it's not always the way to go and there are definitely better ways to solve problems SOMETIMES eye for an eye isn't exactly a bad principle.
also when people say it they're usually comparing two wildly different acts like idk corporations exploiting the free/cheap labor of inmates vs a citizen stealing from walmart. that's more like an eye for a fingernail clipping, an eyelash, a piece of dead skin
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk
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