Today's episode of “something I didn't know about C++”:

class whynot { friend void; };
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C99":

int derp(int arr[static const restrict volatile 5]);

I knew `static 5` meant non-NULL, at least 5 elements.

Didn't know:
∙ const: always called with same array
∙ restrict: arrays don't alias
∙ volatile: NOTHING 🤯
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C99":

error: parameter name omitted
int main(int, char**) {

All function parameters must be named 😲
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C++":
you can have a declaration in a for-loop's *condition* 🤯

void use(unique_ptr<int>);
void drain(vector<unique_ptr<int>> v) {
for (int i = 0; auto el = move(v[i]); ++i)
} // 
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C++":
template<class ...Ts>
void ellipsis(Ts......);

Template parameter pack, followed by C-style varargs that doesn't use the (optional!!!) comma.
Today's second episode of "something I didn't know about C++":

operator auto()

It's a thing. It has (inadvertent) meaning. h/t @AlisdairMered
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C":

union U { int : 0; };

Unions can contain bit-fields, including zero-sized anonymous bit-fields (which in a class makes the next bit-field start at an allocation unit's boundary, in a union… nothing). 😬
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C and C++":

int size() {
struct empty {};
return sizeof(struct empty);

This code returns 0 in C and 1 in C++, because empty structs have different size in both languages. 🥺
Today's episode of "something I never imagined that I would see in real C++ code":

#pragma clang diagnostic error "-Weverything"

Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C++": falling off the end of a function try block does an implicit rethrow for constructors and destructors, but falls off the end of the function otherwise (which only main turns to an implicit `return 0;`).
h/t @MalwareMinigun
Today's episode of "something I thought only browsers did and surely C++ compilers didn't": clang's __VERSION__ emulates GCC's and prints out as:

"4.2.1 Compatible Clang 9.0.0 (trunk 355887)"

Just like browser User-Agent string!
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C (but not C++!)": you can define a type in offsetof and in casts! 🤪

int o = offsetof(struct S { int a; }, a);

Macro expands to:

((size_t)&(((struct S { int a; } *)0)->a))

Watch those commas though! Likely fixed in C2x.
Today's episode of "something from C99 making its way into a weird C++ extension":

using abominable = void() const const const const const const const volatile volatile volatile volatile volatile &&;
Today's episode of "something that endlessly amuses me about the C++ Standard":

"Stable names" for sections of the Standard include [over.ass] and [expr.ass].
Hehe, ISO-standard ass.
/cc @xexd
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C++ constexpr": case labels can be constant expressions.
Unfortunately, they can't be recursive 😅 
Most interesting question: what's the order of evaluation of constexpr case labels? 😅
Today's episode of "GCC tries to pull heroics in constexpr statement expressions".
Can you guess which value gets picked? 
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C++ type traits":
is_­constructible<T, Args...> is true if the type is constructible... as well as destructible! It's not true if the type is constructible but not destructible.
Today's episode of "fun clang extension to C++": duplicate qualifiers without typedefs.

const const const
const int const
const const const CONSTANT_FORTRESS = 0;
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C++"

You can:
⁃ delete operator new
⁃ delete operator delete

*Cannot* new operator new.

struct S {
void* operator new(size_t) = delete;
void operator delete(void *) = delete;
void* operator new(size_t) = new; // No!
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about GNU C extensions":

There's a feature called "GNU case range extension"

enum enumeration { A, B, C, D, BORING };
int amazing(enumeration amaze) {
switch (amaze) {
case A ... D: return 42;
case BORING: return 0;
Today's episode of "something I didn't know about C++ until C++17 took it away":

You've all heard of "POD" types?

There used to be "Plain Old Function" (POF!💨) which defined what was callable from a signal handler.

Removed from C++17 by 
Today's episode of "something C++ used to disallow":

switch on floating-point values! 
@stephentyrone 😜
Today's episode of "fun C / C++ extension":

asm labels!

Specify the name to be used in assembler code for a function or variable: write asm keyword after the declarator. Don't like C++ mangling? No problem!

Unfortunately doesn't work with NTTPs 😭 
Today's episode of "fun things allowed by C++'s odd Unicode support":

using ಠ_ಠ = void;

Valid in major compilers:  for a cleanup!

h/t CSS for being more liberal:
Today's episode of "over-qualified for C++":

clang supports more than the usual "const" and "volatile" qualifiers.

It supports const, volatile, restrict, __unaligned, _Atomic, as well as 256 distinct address space.

Over-qualified indeed! 😱
Today's "fun extension to C to make it look like C++": overloading! Who needs _Generic?

float __attribute__((overloadable)) tgsin(float x) { return sinf(x); }
double __attribute__((overloadable)) tgsin(double x) { return sin(x); }
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