What have we learned from @WikiLeaks ? Friends, this thread will go for a while. Consider and evaluate whether this material is in the public interest as events regarding #WikiLeaks and #Assange unfold. Also, feel free to unfollow if you can't hack it. https://wikileaks.org/10years/timeline.html
3/ The Minton Report detailed how Dutch multinational company Trafigura had dumped toxic waste in the Ivory Coast affecting 108,000 people. The report had been suppressed through a super injunction. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/oct/17/trafigura-minton-report-revealed
6/ The Syria Files provided extraordinary insight into the Assad regime through over two million emails from 680 Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies and the regime's international security contracts. https://search.wikileaks.org/syria-files/ 
7/ We learned the US has a manual for unconventional warfare, active policy doctrine, that was created in 2008 for US Special Forces for when they are overthrowing a government. https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/14/the-real-war-on-reality/
9/ We learned that the IAEA had warned Japan about safety issues at nuclear plants in 2009, years before the Fukushima disaster, particularly that its power plants could not withstand powerful earthquakes. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09UNVIEVIENNA536_a.html
11/ TPP, TTIP & TISA major trade agreements were drafted and negotiated in secret without proper democratic oversight were seen by those affected when WikiLeaks provided multiple draft chapters & negotiating positions to the public, fueling social justice & fair trade movements
13/ The Guantanamo Files exposed systematic and routine violations of the Geneva Conventions and abuse of 800 prisoners as young as 14 and as old as 89 at Guantanamo Bay. https://wikileaks.org/gitmo/ 
14/ The Collateral Murder classified US military video showed a helicopter gunship slaying eighteen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad, including two Reuters journalists and their rescuers, documenting a war crime. https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/ 
15/ The Global Intelligence Files revealed the inner workings of the private intell firm Stratfor that services the US government & large corporations such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and numerous government agencies. https://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/ 
16/ The NSA World Leaders Targets revealed interceptions of NSA targets, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's meetings with Heads of State, Prime Ministers Berlusconi and Netanyahu, President Hollande, the Japanese cabinet, UNHCR and WTO. https://wikileaks.org/nsa-201602/ 
17/ We learned in 2016 of a corrupt multi-billion dollar war by Western and Chinese companies grab uranium and other mining rights in the Central African Republic (CAR) and escape paying for the environmental consequences. https://wikileaks.org/car-mining/ 
18/ We learned about safety and security issues with the UK Trident nuclear weapon system as revealed to WikiLeaks by Royal Navy Able Seaman William McNeilly https://wikileaks.org/trident-safety/ 
19/ We learned that cash payments were made to Indian MPs for support of US India nuclear deal http://www.thehindu.com/news/the-india-cables/article1544916.ece
20/ We saw footage of the 1995 Japanese Monju disaster. Following the 2008 announcement that the fast breeder nuclear reactor would be reopened, activists leaked the suppressed video footage of the sodium spill disaster that led to its closure in 1995. https://wikileaks.org/wiki/The_Monju_nuclear_reactor_leak
21/ We learned that Burma shipped 10,000 tons of rice to food poor North Korea as payment for sophisticated conventional weapons. The cable references a business source stating that exchange of weapons for food had gone on for more than five years. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09RANGOON409_a.html
22/ We learned that Australia worked with Britain, Canada, Japan, and others to undermine the cluster munitions treaty, ensuring that deploying US cluster bombs on their soil was not precluded by the convention. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09STATE52368_a.html
23/ We learned of illegal spying by German intelligence on the German press when the missing pages of the 2006 report compiled by former federal judge Professor Schaefer investigated spying on journalists by Germany's secret intelligence service https://www.wikileaks.org/wiki/How_German_intelligence_infiltrated_Focus_magazine
24/ By providing the latest draft of EU-India free trade agreement (FTA) when there was still time for industry and civil society in the EU and India to know what their government's intend to agree to. https://wikileaks.org/wiki/EU-India_Free_Trade_Agreement_draft,_24_Feb_2009
25/ WikiLeaks has released over 650,000 critical documents relating to Russia under Vladimir Putin, including releases about surveillance contractors in Russia. https://wikileaks.org/spyfiles/russia/
There is not one cable or release that is the best or says it all. IT'S THE ALL THAT SAYS IT ALL. It's the archive, of times and institutions and our history. Our understanding of power - gov, corporate and military - that has grown and cannot be unlearned.
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