Margaret Hodge: No issues with the mainstream covering her attacks on Labour and Corbyn however misguided they maybe. The media are however giving a very one dimensional portrayal of her. For fairness they should be truthful about her history as covered on the Thread below:
Amazingly Hodge claimed in a TV that thinking for 12 years, repeat 12 years, about how she did NOTHING on child abuse allegations would make her a better Children's minister!
(clip via @TheBirmingham6 )
Hodge is not a neutral player, she was a key instigator of the 2016 coup against Corbyn. This should be mentioned to context her latest attack on the Labour leader
Hodge's animus towards Corbyn isn't just about left and right wing politics, it seems she has held a personal grudge against him for years. Again this should be referred when reporting her latest attack
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