Let's talk about a BANK. A BANK which had/has Ivanka Trump (MOB), Al D'Amato (MOB), and Barney Frank (sorry, also MOB) as board members.
A BANK which is tied to the Kushners (MOB). A BANK that just charged off $129M in TAXI LOANS (mob) in April 2018.
What BANK?
Signature Bank.
"Interactions between Signature Bank and Cohen and Kushner did not end with the cycle of property sales in 2014 and 2015. Cohen appears to have used his real estate investments to generate extra cash from Signature Bank last year, according to state records."
They have a full page in this publication: Trade & Invest In America | The EB-5 Gateway https://issuu.com/bls-media/docs/trade___investment_america___eb-5__
oh! And!
This happened March 14, 2005: Bank Hapoalim Bids Adieu to Signature https://www.haaretz.com/1.4769252 
but THIS happened March 7, 2005: 24 Arrested, Accounts Frozen in Massive Money-laundering Probe at Hapoalim
Investigators from the International Crimes Unit said hundreds of millions of dollars were illegally laundered through the bank over the past year. https://www.haaretz.com/1.4764019 
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