3 Paths
RAJ YOG=meditation
HATHYOG=psychophysical technique
3 Paths

RAJ YOG=meditation
HATHYOG=psychophysical technique

From Post Vedic Sutrakara-Patanjali to @narendramodi
Journey of YOGA
Speech at
Parliament of Religions
"Sisters and brothers of America,"
& audience was on its feet giving a standing ovation,
love affair with
was born!
#SwamyVivekananda introduced Yoga postures in 1890
Journey of YOGA

Speech at

"Sisters and brothers of America,"
& audience was on its feet giving a standing ovation,
love affair with

#SwamyVivekananda introduced Yoga postures in 1890
1920, #SwamiYoganandParamhans addressed a conference of religious liberals in Boston & spread message of KRIYA YOG to the West
Autobiography of a Yogi,1946 remains a spiritual classic that has reformed the life of millions
Autobiography of a Yogi,1946 remains a spiritual classic that has reformed the life of millions


#RamanaMaharshi ‘s shishya Richard Hittleman,returned from
in 1950 to NY,
Sold millions of copies of his YOGA
Pioneered yoga on
in 61
with emphasis on its physical benifits hoping to motivate ppl into philosophy & meditation
#InternationalYogaDay2018 #InternationalYogaDay

Sold millions of copies of his YOGA

with emphasis on its physical benifits hoping to motivate ppl into philosophy & meditation
#InternationalYogaDay2018 #InternationalYogaDay

In 1960
‘The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga’ of Swami Vishnudevananda,
disciple of #SwamiSivanandaSaraswati,
became an essential guide for YOGA practitioners
He founded Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers,1 of the largest networks of YOGA schools in the
headquartered in Montreal
‘The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga’ of Swami Vishnudevananda,
disciple of #SwamiSivanandaSaraswati,
became an essential guide for YOGA practitioners
He founded Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers,1 of the largest networks of YOGA schools in the

#SwamiBhaktivedantaPrabhupada became an influential communicator of school of Vaishnavite Hinduism to the West
He founded #ISKCON in 1966 emerging as a major figure of the Western counterculture
He founded #ISKCON in 1966 emerging as a major figure of the Western counterculture


An unassuming-looking yogi from Himalayas #MaharishiMaheshYogi through #TM #Yoga took America with a storm in early '60s to spiritually regenerate millions of practitioners through more than 1200 centers across 108 countries


Published in the
in 1966, #BKSIyengar ‘s ‘Light on Yoga’
is still considered to be the #Bible of #Yoga
Nearly every Western Yoga teacher, without even knowing it,
has been influenced by his emphasis on anatomical precision!

is still considered to be the #Bible of #Yoga
Nearly every Western Yoga teacher, without even knowing it,
has been influenced by his emphasis on anatomical precision!

In 1966 #SwamiSatchidananda #SwamiSivananda ‘s disciple founded #IntegralYogaInstitute & Yogaville in
Spiritual Guru to major Hollywood actors & musicians,in 1986 he opened the ‘Light of Truth Universal Shrine LOTUS
#InternationalDayofYoga #InternationalDayofYoga2018

#InternationalDayofYoga #InternationalDayofYoga2018
1970, #SwamiRama amazed researchers testing him
‘Control his Autonomic Nervous System functions; heartbeat,pulse,skin temperature at Menninger Foundation
Founded Himalayan Institute of #Yoga Science & Philosophy headquartered
in Honesdale,Pennsylvania
‘Control his Autonomic Nervous System functions; heartbeat,pulse,skin temperature at Menninger Foundation
Founded Himalayan Institute of #Yoga Science & Philosophy headquartered
in Honesdale,Pennsylvania

Harvard professor Richard Alpert left on pilgrimage to
in late '60s returned as #RamDass with guru #NeemKaroliBaba
Pied piper for
toured colleges in 70
’Be Here Now’
established Spiritual Quest as ‘Lifestyle’ for new generation of seekers

Pied piper for

toured colleges in 70

established Spiritual Quest as ‘Lifestyle’ for new generation of seekers

Mauni/ Silent Yogi mauni #BabaHariDass born 26 March 1923 in Almora, Uttarakhand visited
in 1971
taught Principles of #Yoga to thousands
built Mount Madonna Center, Salt Spring Center, Sri Ram Ashram with his devotees.

taught Principles of #Yoga to thousands
built Mount Madonna Center, Salt Spring Center, Sri Ram Ashram with his devotees.

2003,glued to Aastha TV,were numbers growing gradually
of common people-billions in
millions around
@yogrishiramdev created large scale awareness of #Yoga #FitnessMotivation from cities to villages,from huts to Mansions
of common people-billions in

millions around

@yogrishiramdev created large scale awareness of #Yoga #FitnessMotivation from cities to villages,from huts to Mansions


@narendramodi Proposed #InternationYogaDay at UNGA
on 27 September 2014
Resolution presented on Dec 11-2014 was supported & co-sponsored by 177 nations
#PMModi suggested 21 June,since
#AdiYogi Shiva begun imparting Knowledge of #Yoga to mankind in beginning of Dakshinayan
on 27 September 2014
Resolution presented on Dec 11-2014 was supported & co-sponsored by 177 nations
#PMModi suggested 21 June,since
#AdiYogi Shiva begun imparting Knowledge of #Yoga to mankind in beginning of Dakshinayan