Inspired by #ChristianAltFacts, I decided to pull out this old Abeka World History book. If you're interested in knowing what Christian homeschools and private schools are teaching children, follow along.
Here's what Abeka teaches Christian students about colonialism: that it "benefited" Africans and Asians. That's it. No mention of slavery or genocide. #ChristianAltFacts
This is a classic teaching of Christian homeschools and private schools: that the Holocaust is "Evolution's legacy." #ChristianAltFacts
Abeka teaches Christian students that environmentalism is part of a world government conspiracy to enact socialist totalitarianism. #ChristianAltFacts
For Christian homeschools and private schools, the Book of Genesis is "the most reliable source for what we need to know about the beginning of world history." #ChristianAltFacts
Abeka doesn't hide its anti-Catholic bent, arguing that the Catholic Church has become "infiltrated by Communists" who promote "revolution and violence." #ChristianAltFacts
Here's what Christian students are taught by Abeka about the Vietnam War: that opposition to it came from "unpatriotic" Americans who "betrayed" the cause of freedom. #ChristianAltFacts
Oh this one is golden: we dropped the atomic bombs on Japan to "save the lives" of "countless Japanese." #ChristianAltFacts
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