THREAD: All the deleted, alternative and extended scenes from SPIDER-MAN 3.

Collected from various trailers, featurettes, behind the scenes photos and the novelisation of the film.
Peter tries to visit Harry at Oscorp:

In the opening montage of the film, Peter attempts to go to Oscorp to see Harry to explain what happened between him and his father. Peter is stopped by an Oscorp receptionist from entering.
Harry’s Madness:

In the novelisation, Harry’s madness is further explored, where Harry thinks he’s talking to his butler, but its revealed no one is there. Then Harry is tormented by Norman again. This would have taken place before he took the Goblin gas.
Sandman finds Dr Wallace:

After Flint Marko becomes Sandman, he visits Dr Phil Wallace, a molecular biologist who is working on cure for Marko’s daughter. Marko probably threatened Wallace to continue working on a cure for his daughter.
A Spider in Peter’s Room:

A spider is seen crawling around Peter’s room. Not sure the point of this scene, but if I had to theorise it could have been a showdown between a spider and the Symbiote in Peter’s room, foreshadowing how the Symbiote will consume Spider-Man.
Mary Jane talks to Ursula:

From the novelisation, after MJ leaves Peter’s room for him to stop the crane, MJ bumps into Ursula and she introduces her to a job as a singing waitress.
Peter reveals to a kid that he’s Spider-Man:

At the Spider-Man parade, a little kid dressed as Spider-Man runs up to Peter and shows off his silly string web shooter, but it runs out of webbing. Peter then shoots a web onto the kid’s shoe in return.
Spider-Man saves a baby:

When Sandman appears at the Spider-Man parade, an extended version of the scene features civilians falling over from the sandstorm. One instance features a mother falling away from her baby, but Spider-Man swings in and saves the baby.
Extended/Alternate Sandman fight:

An extended scene of Spider-Man landing on the truck and some alternative bits from the fight.
Extended Symbiote Transformation:

Just a shot of the spider symbol changing from the typical one to the Black Suit one. This shot was used a lot in trailers, so I wonder if it was created just for marketing.
Peter revisits Uncle Ben’s death?:

A shot I found in the bloopers. Peter's in the grey hoodie he wore when he went to go wrestling. The blue screen suggests some sort of dream sequence, maybe part of the scene where the Symbiote first attaches itself to Peter.
Black Spidey and Yellow Taxi:

Extended scene where Spider-Man swings off to find Sandman, he seemingly lands on a yellow taxi before reaching the ground.
Spider-Man hits Sandman:

Not much to see here, but it looks like Spider-Man was going to use a piece of the train track to hit Sandman.
Peter sees Venom in the Mirror:

Alternative scene, Peter starts to be suspicious about what the suit is doing to him, there’s a jump scare where he sees Venom in the mirror and frantically takes off the suit. The Venom in the mirror is an early costume test for the character.
The Chimes of Serenity:

After Eddie Brock is fired, Betty Brant brings out some chimes that Jameson’s wife gave to him to keep him calm. Hoffman enters and tells Jameson that he ran a campaign that Jameson didn’t want and that they lost money, setting J.J. off again.
Eddie Brock seeks Gwen for help:

After being fired, Eddie goes to Gwen’s house for solace. Gwen tells Eddie that she doesn’t want him in her life and he leaves. This scene would’ve been interesting as it would’ve created some credible empathy for Eddie.
Extended Eddie Brock Church Scene:

There are some extra shots of Eddie walking toward the church and walking down the church aisle. Probably cut for pacing.
Extended Eddie Brock Church Scene:

In the novelisation, Eddie gives an extended monologue where he explains that he believes he’s been treated unfairly and takes no responsibility for his mistakes, he hates that he suffers by other people’s imperfections.
Extended Symbiote Rip:

An additional shot of Peter ripping the Black Suit off his thigh, probably cut due to something to do with Peter not wearing any pants, maybe a bit too suggestive for the producers.
In the novelisation, Eddie uses the Symbiote's memories to find Peter's apartment and goes in there while Peter's showering. Eddie inspects the room, noting a picture of Mary Jane and the red and blue Spider-Man costume.
Eddie recruits Flint Marko:

An alternative scene of Eddie recruiting Marko to team up with him. Instead of Eddie appearing as Venom, Eddie shows up after Sandman watches his daughter as a sandcastle. Probably was cut and reshot to add more Venom.
Mary Jane tries to help Harry:

Before she was kidnapped by Venom, Mary Janes goes to Harry to comfort him. Her line about forgiveness pretty much encapsulates the main message of the film.
Alternative Peter asks Harry for help:

Same as in the movie, but this time Peter's not in his costume. Perhaps they were saving the reveal of the red and blue costume returnl for the moment when he gets it out of his suitcase.
Gwen Stacy at the Final Battle:

Gwen Stacy was meant to appear at the final battle and watch from the ground. The photo below is a set photo, the guy next to her is just a fan.
Dr Wallace saves the day:

Along with Gwen, her father Captain Stacy was meant to appear in the final battle. Dr Wallace would've informed Captain Stacy that he knows who Sandman is and knows how to stop him.
Dr Wallace meets Sandman’s wife and daughter:

From the novelisation, Dr Wallace goes to Emma Marko's house and asks her and Penny to come with him quickly, Penny realises her dad is the Sandman.

Penny and Emma Marko were going to travel to the top of the skyscraper via an elevator to stop Sandman.
Alternative Sandman Ending:

After falling to the ground, Sandman returns to normal size to kill Spider-Man. Emma and Penny intervene, with Penny telling her dad it’s not worth fighting anymore; he should just be with her.
Alternative Sandman Ending:

Sandman tells Spider-Man what happened with Uncle Ben and Spider-Man forgives him, essentially the same as what happened in the theatrical cut, but in a different location and time in the film.
Alternative Venom Ending:

There was an alternative Venom ending, where after Spider-Man had surrounded Venom with the ringing poles, Spider-Man yanks Eddie out of the Symbiote, but he's revealed to be a bunch of bones- the Symbiote had completely bonded with Eddie.
The Symbiote Returns to Peter:

Part of the alternative Venom ending had the Symbiote try to reattatch itself to Peter. Peter tries to fight off the Symbiote and kills it by bringing down more poles, creating even louder ringing.
The Symbiote Returns to Peter:

The toys pretty much indicate that this was going to be the final fight in the film.
Final Swing:

Seems like a final swing was intended for Spider-Man 3, but it didn’t make it past pre-viz.
There was probably around 45 minutes to an hour of footage cut from the film. Obviously to accommodate more showtimes for profit, which is expected.
Spider-Man Impersonator:

During the opening montage, Peter walks through Central Park and spots a boy swinging upside down on a rop as Spider-Man. The rope snaps and Peter goes to catch the boy, but the boy's mother catches him just in time.
Stacy's Mum:

In the audio commentary for Spider-Man 3, Sam Raimi stated there was more 'planned' for Gwen Stacy's mother, played by Becky Ann Baker. Probably referencing the scene where Eddie Brock goes to Gwen's house. She only appears briefly in the background of one scene.
Sandman Bank Robbery:

Seems like there was a scene filmed of Sandman robbing the bank before Black Suited Spider-Man arrived. Probably cut as it was fairly superfluous to the narrative.
Eddie Brock seeks Gwen for help:

Storyboards by Ryan Woodward depict the scene of Eddie at the Stacy household.

Thanks to @MinddKidzag for the find!
Extended Eddie Brock Church Scene:

Storyboards by Ryan Woodward show the extended shots of Eddie in the church.

Thanks to @MinddKidzag for the great find!
Extended Eddie Brock Church Scene:

More storyboards
Editor on all three Sam Raimi Spider-Man films, Bob Mirawowski, gives his perspective as to why Spider-Man 3 wasn't as good as the previous entries in the franchise.
A new photo I found that shows the alternate Sandman ending. Seems like it was going to be a very emotional scene for Marko and his daughter.
Interview with Thomas Haden Church, from 2007, on the deleted scenes from SM3.
He reveals they shot 4 versions of the final scene with Tobey.
This corresponds with what the guy from my uni (who worked on the film said)- they film multiple versions of scenes while in costume.
Picture from Spider-Man 3 Trading Cards shows the scene where Peter see’s Venom in the mirror and frantically takes off the Black Suit. The sequence was definitely longer than what was in the final film. In the novel, the scene is described ‘like peeling off a coating of glue’.
Just a small one (because I’m feeling generous).

Another cut line where Norman questions why Harry hasn’t killed Peter.

Makes you wonder if Norman was going to have more scenes throughout the film, tormenting Harry similar to how the ghost of Hamlet’s father tormented Hamlet.
Footage of the poles being pulled down that would’ve killed Venom.

Thanks to @EPH_19 for finding it.
A rather spooky deleted scene of Peter’s apartment. Anyone got any ideas what this could be?
Just an ominous shot of the briefcase with The Black Suit. Maybe the Symbiote or a spider crawling around Peter’s apartment?
Here’s a look at what the deleted scene of the spider in Peter’s room would’ve looked like.

Peter crushing the Spider could symbolise him ‘destroying’ the ‘good part’ of himself in favour of the Symbiote- ‘the bad side’
Extended/Alternate Giant Sandman Fight

Here is some previs for a slightly different fight between Spidey and Sandman from the Final Battle.

Obviously it’s previs, so the scene might not have gotten any further than this, but interestingly there are sound effects for it.
Here’s where the previs came from

Thanks to @EPH_19 for bringing my attention to the footage.

Always fascinating to know what goes into making these blockbusters
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