After more than 6 months of watching people get scammed by the #QAnon phenomena, I'm going to make the below thread to explain to you exactly why it is an intelligence agency-backed psyop, what techniques are being used, and why you need to stop people falling for it.
1. I referred to #QAnon today as a 'Pied Piper' operation. What I meant by this, is that the operation exists to round up people that are otherwise dangerous to the Deep State (because they are genuinely opposed to it) usurp time & attention, & trick them into serving its aims.
2. To achieve this, the operation moves through three phases.


It does this by appearing to leak insider information to the #QAnon audience. Making them feel that they are getting access to information that they otherwise wouldn't be privy to
2a. This has several effects. Firstly, it establishes Q's reputation as a government source. A whistleblower, or a leaker. More importantly, it begins to shape him/her/them as an authority figure. Someone to be looked up to. Someone who is different from the crowd. The Pied Piper
2b. The information "leaked" to establish credibility is not internal NSA documents like Snowden, or publishing evidence of war crimes like Assange, but is simply "heads-up' style reference points about what will be in the news or internal political machinations in Washington.
2c. In other words, it is not information that is in any way a meaningful threat to the supremacy of the intelligence agencies of the United States. It will not cause them to lose any sleep at night. They are not launching public manhunts for Q like they did for Assange & Snowden
2d. Q employs gamification.

This is a technique frequently used by big data companies/corporates, surveillance companies, and intelligence agencies. It's not enough for Q to simply tell you stuff outright. So it has to become a quiz. It has to be a puzzle. It has to become fun.
2e. Q professes to share the values and priorities of his/her/their target audience.

This creates a natural affinity between audience and Pied Piper. It creates a promise that if they follow Q, they will be led towards achieving the perfect outcomes that they hope and dream of.
2f. Of course the only place the Pied Piper will lead them is exactly where the Pied Piper wants to take them. Not where the audience wants to go. But every time these grand promises don't pan out, he tells them, be patient! Wait! Have faith! We want the same thing. We'll get it!

To build a truly evangelical following, the audience must become DEVOTED. Devotion is incredibly powerful. A devoted following is loyal and compliant, willing to silence their Devil's Advocate inner tendencies, willing to extend their faith.
3a. Concept of a global awakening was discussed by @davidicke in print in the 90s. Was written about in James Redfield's Celestine Prophecy series in the '00s. I suspect the concept dates back centuries. The information age has accelerated awareness, yes. DS seeks to control it.
3b. Q/Q followers cross-pollinate the concept of a global awakening with a spiritual awakening, and funnel that energy straight back into the conventional two-party political paradigm. A paradigm which is fundamentally opposed to the empowerment of individuals & spiritual growth.
3c. I have no doubt that the human brain & consciousness is capable of far more than what legacy science has suggested. But the mix of spirituality with politics, & spiritual devotion to a man who rubs shoulders with Kissinger, appoints Pompeo, Bolton & Haspel, is ridiculous.
4. Phase Three: Shifting The Targets & Unleashing The Audience

These ops are not simply just like the day-to-day info ops where they want to make the audience believe false things. In order to unleash their full power, they have to shift focus & direct the audience to action.
4a. Slowly and subtly, the Pied Piper starts to shift the direction. Where Q started out focusing on the int agencies/Deep-State-Will-Be-Drained promises, he begins to start drawing other figures into his narratives. Edward Snowden. Julian Assange.

Targets of the Deep State.
4b. This is where Q's stated motives begin to fall apart.

We don't even have to ask who benefits. We can just start asking some other really basic questions. Who does the Deep State want dead or in jail, more than anyone else?

Edward Snowden, Julian Assange & Kim Dotcom.
4c. Therefore, what is the most subversive thing that an opponent of the Deep State can do?

Clue: not reading #QAnon all day every day on the internet.

Taking action in support of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom.

THAT is what the Deep State don't want you to do.
4d. The reason I am mentioning Kim Dotcom is not because of Q, but because Ed, Julian and Kim are all being prosecuted in the Eastern District Court of Virginia. The home of the CIA.

All three are being targeted by massive operations undertaken by the same intelligence agencies
4e. The Snowden file revelations (not the revelations in the MSM, but in the actual documents which @ElizabethleaVos & I have extensively studied) reveal way more than mass surveillance. They reveal the total subversion of every facet of human society by the intelligence agencies
4f. Those files reveal, in the NSA's own words, that they are seeking to build a "global network" that gives them "100% coverage" of every inch of the planet. The wars aren't just for oil. They are for global supremacy. The globalists intend to dominate every country on earth.
4g. We know this thanks to sacrifices of real whistleblowers. Not whistleblowers who showed us what Trump will tweet, or where he will be visiting next, or what will be in the news tomorrow. Whistleblowers that exposed the innermost secrets of the most powerful agencies on earth
4h. So when Q started telling people to look into Snowden and his family, I smelled a rat instantly.

The only people who want you digging dirt on Snowden are the people who want him dead or in jail.

And those people ARE THE DEEP STATE.
5. A lot of you are asking me questions "what about this" "what about that" - I will address the common themes shortly. But first I want to explain why the Q methodologies of building trust, gamification & then subverting the original intent & purpose is so transparent to me.
5a. The answer is because this is how intelligence agency and private security companies target activists. These methodologies have been in use for years. They are the techniques of "handlers". What is different about Q is they they are now handling people on a massive scale.
5b. They make you feel special. They make you feel clever. They make you feel lucky. They otherise you. According to them, you are different. You can do more, be more, achieve more. All these things are true of everyone. But their intent is to build trust so they can shape you.
5c. I think Q - which is more likely to be an operation than a person - is the first instance of a "mass handler". Same techniques and methodologies, same training, same net results. End goal same as #JTRIG: "to use online influence ops to make targets take real world actions"
5d. JTRIG is a psychological warfare doctrine from GCHQ (UK's NSA) but is employed across the Five Eyes at minimum and more broadly the principles are utilised against targets by every intelligence agency on the planet. Study it. It is one of the many gems gifted to us by Snowden
6. Now I'm going to cover off a few common sense indicators that the Q operation is tolerated at best, or helped to grow at worst, by the same forces that it supposedly stands in opposition to.

Then I will address the common themes of the questions I'm being asked in replies
6a. If the NSA having a "Q group" hunting down Snowden wasn't enough, just stop and think about how the Deep State usually reacts to anyone who meaningfully builds a large movement to ostensibly challenge their authority. Then ask yourself why that isn't used against #QAnon.
6b. The #QAnon movement has swelled to an audience of 100s of 1000s, arguably millions around the world are watching/following in some capacity. That is definitely large enough to get the full-blown state-led-smear, corporate-censorship, intel agency-manhunt treatment. But hasn't
6c. When the Pentagon manhunt for Julian Assange was launched in 2010, ditto with the Snowden manhunt in 2013, we saw the heads of the intelligence agencies warning that they were grave threats to national security. Smears were abundant. Supporters were individually targeted.
6d. The first step of the Deep State is to ridicule the support base, to a mainstream audience. The typical playbook would be for NYT, WaPo, CNN etc to be telling everyone that #QAnon supporters are unwashed kids-in-moms-basement dirty hippies like Occupy etc. Hasn't happened.
6e. Notable individuals who support and circulate #QAnon would be publicly named and shamed, or worse, subject to grand jury proceedings and indictments for being party to the leaking of classified information. Targeted by all of the mechanisms of the state. Also hasn't happened.
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