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Continued from yesterday's thread.Hindu society did not have anything akin to purdah although there were certain restrictions on the movement of women. They could go out with friends and relations
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The word ghoongat is derived from the Sanskrit word अवगुण्ठन which essentially means to conceal or cover. Most prominent Sanskrit dictionaries agree upon this part. Popularly, ghoongat is a piece
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A fun thread on idea of women's modesty through the ages in different cultures. Altekar in his book Position of Women expalins in short how the women from all over
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These three verses are often citied to show misogyny in Manusmriti. That's certainly not the case. Common sense when applied, will prove that these verses mean the exact opposite of
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In continuation of yesterday's thread regarding military and administrative training given to women in their formative years. Yesterday we explored, very briefly, how historically women were trained. Today, let's look
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I am reposting the evidence that women did get initiated into Vedic studies. @Shwet__ketu had done this but had to delete the post because of their mass reporting. Some SS
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In his letters describing the India Mission, Carey has given us an insight into how the society functioned then, of how the minds of the people worked and what methods
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William Carey landed on the Indian soil in the year 1793. He spent the remaining years of his life in India. He was a British missionary, a translator and a
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Hemachandra Vikramaditya (Hemu)Raja Hemchandra Vikramaditya or as popularly referred to as Hemu, was the Wazir at the court of the fourth Sultan of the Sur Dynasty, Adali or Muhammad Adil
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Ramdas Swami also known as Samarth Ramdas Swami was a 17th century संत. Born as Narayan in a Brahmin family on the auspicious day of Ram Navami in the year
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