The real coup is being run by those who are consolidating power and tightening down on freedom (of speech, assembly).

Not a chaotic crowd with a variety of intentions & behaviors who participated in illegal activity for a day—they are a distraction.
The latter should be prosecuted, disavowed, ridiculed if you like—the former (the real threat, who are working to eliminate dissent) must be resisted, even and especially by those who hate the outgoing president.
I’ve been called out for not calling out the rioters, due to my work on the Evergreen protest.

The Evergreen protest lead to a restructuring of the college into a bureaucratic hegemony, which suppressed speech by restricting & controlling the means, & prosecuting offensiveness.
I do not think anyone will change their minds on how they see those events. I will work to keep mine open.

But it should not be used as an excuse to restrict our liberties and sacrifice our democratic values—even as it was an attempt to disrupt our democratic processes.
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