I'm from this area, & have a childhood friend who worked at the plants. He was exposed to a chemical leak & got cancer, so I talked to him about it at one point a few years ago... https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1345075241257750529
He & the other men who had been exposed were immediately hustled off to a room, where they signed a bunch of legal papers. The company then made a big show of getting them the very best medical care. I could tell he felt proud of the way they took care of him, as he recounted it.
All the while I'm sitting there in shock, thinking "how is he not a multimillionaire from a massive settlement?" But he signed those papers, & the company really made him feel like he was getting the rockstar medical treatment, & that was good enough. It was wild to me.
I guess the moral of this story is: in the culture I grew up in, a little respect goes a long way, as does a little disrespect.
Addendum: He & his family were staunch, union Democrats growing up, because "the Democrats are for the working man." They are now all solid MAGA.
Clarification: he & his coworkers were directly exposed to an extremely toxic gas in a major safety event, & he pretty quickly developed leukemia, which is a known consequence of getting a dose of that gas. I don't know that the lift was that heavy. https://twitter.com/DanFriedman81/status/1345144808336199684
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